Chapter 4 (Pic of Al)

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I jolt awake, gasping. Gen wakes up and rubs her eyes.

"What's wrong?" she asks.

"Nightmare," I whisper and sit up.

"What happened?"

"Luka... he killed Eric." I stand up and go to the door.

"Where are you going?" she gets up to follow me.

"To check on him." I walk into the living room to find him gone. No.

I run as fast as I can outside and find him on my front porch his neck twisted at an awkward angle. His eyes are open and he's smiling.

"No!" I scream and shake him. Sobs wrack my body. "Wake up!"

Alek wraps his arms around me and carries me inside.

"No! I can't leave him." I claw at his face.

"He is gone. Let it go. Breathe," He lays me on the couch and I burrow under the covers breathing in Eric's smell.

Gen lays next to me and hugs me. "I'm so sorry." She whispers and tears drip onto my neck.


Govno. That poor girl. She has been through so much already. And now she's lost her best friend. Govno.

I pick up Eric's limp body and carry him inside. I lay him on my bed and pull out my cell and dial my brother's number.



"Brat? What is wrong?" he says and I can hear him moving around.

"I know it is late but I need your help."

"Where are you?" I tell him her address.

"I will be there in 20 minutes." He hangs up.

I walk into the living room and kneel at Cat's feet.

"Pozhaluysta ne plach. Please do not cry." I whisper and wipe her tears away.

She stays silent and stares at the ceiling.

If only I had been there. She would not be so upset. Govno.

"Lyubit? Love? Please say something." I beg, grabbing her face in both my hands.

"Alek, she just needs time." Genevieve says.

"Prosti menya, moya lyubov . Forgive me, my love." I stand walk outside, quietly shutting the door behind me. Someone needs to stand guard in case that sooka, Luka comes back. I know it is him. Who else would have the motive to do something like that? Eric was very nice to me. I just hope me and my brat, brother will be enough to protect Cat. I cannot fail her again.


It hurts. Oh, Eric. My Eric. Sweet, sweet, loving Eric. Why him? Why? Why not me. My sweet Eric. Oh, God, it hurts. I'm so sorry Eric... So sorry.

"You hungry, honey?" My sister asks.

"How could I possibly be hungry?" I whisper.

"Look, hon. I know it hurts but you need to do something. He wouldn't want this. He would want you happy and smiling. I miss him too. You know, I used to have sort of a crush on him. With him hanging around all the time I kinda got to know him." She squeezed me tight.

"He's gone." I whisper. "Nothing will ever be the same."

"Maybe that's a good thing. Do you really want to be in a relationship with Luka?" she asks.

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