Chapter Sixteen: Understood

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Chapter Sixteen:


   Katalina felt it. She felt the shift as she walked into the room. Everyone's eyes drifted to her. Some adoring, some at ease, and some with admiration. She smiled gayily. She did it. She had finally gained their trust. But why?

   She took a seat next to her soon-to-be best friend Selena and nicest guy in the world Sam. Selena smiled, her eyes sparkling with their normal happiness. Everyone went back to what they were doing. Katalina ignored Aric's gaze as she leaned over to Sam and asking, "What changed?"

   Sam gave her a funny look. "What?"

   "Why have they suddenly accepted me?" She repeated, watching as people began to sit down with their food.

   "You almost died protecting us." Sam said, making it obvious that Katalina should have known this. Katalina flushed.

   "That's a bit of an overstatement, don't you think, Sam?" Sam rolled his eyes and began shoveling food into his mouth. Katalina pushed back her chair and swerved to the big kitchen. Katalina eyed the food on the counter. Had they finally begun to trust her? Because she 'almost died' trying to protect them? Katalina sighed.

   Katalina's hand stopped an inch between the cabinet where the plates were when she felt HIM walk into the room. She sighed, bringing her hand back to the counter. "What, Aric?"

   "Kat..." Aric breathed, seeming surprised she'd felt his presance. She let him stare at her back, not daring to turn around. HE'D rejected HER. Not the other way around, then why'd she feel bad?

   "Have you finally decided, Aric? Has your mind made itself up? Maybe my mortality is no longer a problem?" Katalina wondered, spinning to look at him now.

   Aric looked good. Better than good. Katalina wanted to forget her angers and pull him towards her. She clicked her jaw. Aric ran a hand through his hair. "Katalina, what happened to you should prove my point! I may not have claimed you, but you are still my mate, and I do care for you. How do you think I will cope if something like this happens again and I DON'T find you? Do you think it wise to pretend something will work when I know it will in fact crash and burn?"

   "Why are you so logical, Aric?! Why can't you let yourself love me?" Katalina demanded, her heart cracking. What did he know?! "Aric, I don't understand why I am practically begging you to like me when I know that you won't." What a lie, Katalina thought. She WANTED it to work. She WANTED him to love her.

   "Katalina, why can't you think about how I would feel?" Aric said, seeming desperate.

   "And why can't you see that I care for you? Why can't you think about how I would feel? How I DO feel?" Katalina shot back.

   Aric paused, "Kat, I like you. I do, but the throne to Alpha of this pack is much more important than a mate who could die at any moment from anything."

   Katalina read the lie in his eyes, heard it roll off his tongue, felt the words he'd said stab her heart. But why'd he say it? Perhaps it was something deeper. Maybe he really DIDN'T like her. Katalina felt like hurling herself out of the window and falling to her death. Anything was better than the pain she felt now. "I understand." She mumbled, turning to get a plate now.

   "You do?" Aric asked, surprised yet again.

   "When can I leave?" Katalina questioned Aric.

   Aric stopped. I hope you never leave, he thought to himself. Instead he said: "Whenever you feel well enough. I am sure that your friends, family, and others are wondering where you've been for a few days."

   "How many exactly?" She asked, putting some eggs onto her plate.

   "I don't--uh, maybe three. I haven't been counting." Aric said honestly. He watched Katalina place food on her plate. Some eggs, toast.

   "Oh, OK. Thank you, Aric." It was a clear dismissal, but Aric stayed. She glanced up at him and sighed. "Is there something you wish add to the subject, Aric?"

   Aric chuckled. "No, Kat. Just waiting to get some food." He said, amusement laced in his voice.

   Oh, right. I knew that. Katalina felt her face heat up as she cleared her throat. "Oh, sorry." She said, taking her plate and walking away. She heard him chuckle as the door closed behind her. Not many people were still here, but Selena and Sam were talking as Katalina sat next to them.

   Selena smiled. "Hey, Lina, wassup?" She asked, using a new nickname for Katalina. But Katalina liked it.

   "Not much, just eating, Sel. Hey, Sam." Katalina nodded to Sam.

   "'Sup, Lina." He greeted, giving Katalina a smile. Katalina didn't miss how Selena stared at Sam. She made a mental note to ask Sel about that later.

   "Drop it, Lina! I don't want to talk about it."

   "I didn't even ask more than two questions, Sel! Is that touchy of a subject, or what?" Katalina questioned.

   "I don't care. You over-stepped your boundries."

   "I wasn't aware that we even had boundaries, Sel."

   "God-Damnit! Your too fucking calm about this! Not to mention condescending, Lina. You need to get over yourself." Selena stormed out of Katalina's room. Katalina stared at the door.

   She pushed back the tears. Yes, it was time to get on with life. Katalina stood. Katalina paused. She didn't have any belongings here. She had just used some spare clothes from other women here.

   Katalina sighed as she walked out the door, leaving her heart behind as she strode toward the door. Sam met her near the door. "Hey--What's wrong?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing.

   Katalina gave him a small smile. "It's time for me to go home, Sam. So I am."

   Sam nodded, seeming to want to ask questions but refraining. "OK. Do you want to be accompanied?"

   Katalina shook her head. "No, thank you though." And then she ran the rest of the way, out the door and through the small patch of woods. She didn't stop until she was standing at her front door. She reached under a plant for a spare key. She would have to rearrange her life when she could stop the emotions rolling over her.

   She pushed open her door and stumbled into her house, letting her back hit the closed door as her legs could no longer keep up her weight. "Katalina?" Someone called.

   "James?" Katalina cried, startled.


A/N: Sad to say that nothing big happening...yet;) It isn't long because I have to limit what happens in each chapter, mostly because when I edit I want it to be just a tad bit easier:)


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