Operation Impossible

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This is a Mission Impossible crossover, but I don't remember which movie I based this on.... Remember that one movie with that weird poison thing? Probably not, but any ways, there is this one scene where this girl shoots herself with it. This is loosely based on that scene, but there is no weird poison...
Okay, let's not focus to much on my random explanation. Let's get on with the story.

Impossible. They were kinda sure that was what this mission, this operation was. But hey, they were the best secret agents there were. So why not? Why not give them one of the most dangerous missions there was? Right, because it could kill them. But did their boss care about that? Apparently not enough to call them back. To send somebody else.
So here they were, hiding behind two tables which looked pretty much like boxes. There was a path between them and they were already bleeding at some part of their bodies. Because this was something like "the last stage" of this mission. Emma was in de van, hacking the program and ruining the security cameras (the ones on the inside of the building) so Victor wouldn't find them. Victor Whale was a master brain and probably one of the most dangerous humans on this earth. Which is why their boss sent Robin of Locksley and Regina Mills with Emma Swan after him. And because Victor was following them they were hiding, not wanting to die. After what felt like forever they heard somebody entering the room.
"So Locksley, where are you?" Victor said. "Cause I know you're here. Your partner is in here to, right?"
Robin looked at Regina, who looked absolutely terrified. She was having a wound right next to her eyebrow and there was a bit of blood running down her cheek.
"You know, hiding isn't saving you, right?" Whale continued.
He knew they should probably do something, but first he wanted to hear what Whale was going to say.
"There is no way you are going to stop me."
After Victor said that, Robin nodded to Regina and in one move they were both standing up and pointed their guns at Whale's direction. But three seconds later Regina was grabbed by somebody who pressed a knife against her throat and was Robin surrounded by persons in black, all of them pointing a gun in his direction. Great. He should have known Victor wasn't alone, cause that would have meant he and Regina would outnumber him. And Whale wasn't going to do that.
"One wrong move and she's dead." Victor said evilly.
Regina tried to move, but the person in black just pushed the knife firmer against her throat and she froze.
"Which of course, doesn't chance that much, cause at the end you're both gonna be dead." Victor continued.
Regina looked at Robin and he couldn't think of one way how both of them could get out of here alive.
Victor grinned and then said: "Kill her."
"No!" Robin yelled, but surprisingly enough, nobody shot her.
"They're not gonna listen to you." Whale laughed, but it was a fact that Regina was still alive.
"But we're both gonna die, no matter what, so I can at least try to save her right?" Robin half muttered, half whispered and then he started to fire the gun, careful not to hit Regina. The person who held her was so utterly surprised that she managed to kick him and took her gun back, since this guy had disarmed her the minute he grabbed her. Then she shot him and began to help Robin. A few minutes later they were surrounded by dead bodies, but both still alive. Whale was nowhere to be seen.
Robin muttered something that sounded very much like bastard. They looked at each other and then almost fell over from something that felt like an explosion. Robin and Regina both knew what it meant and whispered something at the same time: "Emma."

Emma was in the van and tried to contact her team.
"Hello? Does anybody hear me? Robin? Regina? Guys!"
No reaction. Maybe something happened, but she didn't got much time to think about it, cause she heard something. A click and then there was a soft, high, peep. Emma looked to her left and saw something she didn't want to see, a bomb. She reached up, pushed a button and catches a gun, which was falling down from the panel above her head, which she opened with pushing that button. Then she moved and tried to get to the door, while the peep got louder and faster. She tried to get the door open and then the van exploded.

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