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This might be my personal least favourite one shot... I'm sorry if this sucks.
School started again (😭😭) so I don't know when I'll publish a new chapter. Love ya'll.

Storybrooke. She was back in Storybrooke. The problem was, she doesn't know how or why her spell didn't work. 'Cause she was supposed to wake up in The Enchanted Forest, not in her own bed, in her own room, in her own house. Without Henry. 
Regina slowly got up and started to walk towards her closet. When she opened it, she saw it. The ring. On her left hand. She was wearing a ring. But it didn't look like a wedding ring. Because it was a wooden ring, with a few simple decorations. She slowly took the ring out and immediately missed it. Regina looked closer and saw letters, words. It said: "I promise."
What promise? Who's promise? How did she get this ring? What if her spell did work, but something happened and now everybody is back and can't remember anything?


This wasn't The Enchanted Forest. Why wasn't he in The Enchanted Forest? How did he get here? Where was here? The questions were making him dizzy when he woke up and discovered that where he woke up wasn't home. He also discovered something else: he was wearing a ring.
Robin frowned, this wasn't the ring Marian had gave him at their wedding. This was a wooden ring, with a few basic, simple decorations. He took it out and saw there was a mark on his skin from where the ring had been. So he had that ring for quite a long time. Then why can't he remember how he got it? Or why he got it, or when? He didn't even remember who gave it to him. Suddenly he saw words. "Promise me" was what it said. What did it meant? Did it mean he promised somebody something or did somebody promise him something? Probably the first, but he didn't knew what promise, or who he promised something. What happened?


Despite the fact she didn't want to, she knew she had to get answers so she walked to Mary Margaret and David's apartment. Regina knocked on the door and faced and surprised, confused and... pregnant Mary Margaret?
"What are you doing here?" the younger brunette asked her and Regina found herself playing with her ring.
"I wanted to know something.... We did go to the Enchanted Forest didn't we?"
Mary Margaret looked down at her stomach and then looked up at the mayor a bit sheepishly.
"I think we did."
"I think we were there quite a long time." Regina said and Mary Margaret gave her a look. "I mean, I already knew that before you... you know what I mean."
David appeared behind his wife and looked between her and the mayor.
"Come in." Mary Margaret quickly said.
Once they were inside, David decided to make tea so the girls could have their conversation.
"So, what did you find out?" Mary Margaret asked.
"This." Regina answered, while handing her ring over to the other women.
"It's a ring."
Regina rolled her eyes at this, but made sure the younger women didn't saw it.
"Of course it's a ring. I just don't know why I'm having it."
"It says 'I promise' so I think it's a promise ring."
"A what?"   
"A promise ring." Mary Margaret repeated. "A ring to show somebody you'll always love them no matter what. It's a sort of engagement/wedding ring, but without wedding."
"Somebody loves me?" Regina asked quietly.
Mary Margaret looked up from the ring. "It's not impossible. You can be loved, and you can love somebody."
"You think?"
"It doesn't matter what I think, it matters what you think. But right now, I think that if it's a promise ring, there's somebody else with the same ring. The question is... Who?"


Nothing was making sense anymore. Where on earth was he? How did he get here? The sherif of the town, Emma, told him and his Merry Men they were in Storybrooke, a little town in Maine, and if they wanted to meet town members they could go to Granny's diner. Robin decided to do that and when he did he saw her. But maybe more important he saw the ring.


Regina decided to go to Granny's. When she ordered a black coffee a guy she never saw in town before walked in. And as the mayor, she should know who's in town. So she walked up to him and introduced herself.
"I'm Regina Mills, the mayor of Storybrooke, the town you're currently in." she said, holding out her hand for him to shake it.
"I'm Robin Hood and the sherif already told me that, but thank you. Nice to meet you." Robin said, shaking her hand. The moment their hands touched they both had a sort of flashback.

"I can't lose you." Regina said, looking scared.
"You won't. Zelena might try to rip us apart, but that's not going to work. We're soulmates, we will find find each other."
"The curse is almost here." Regina whispered. "What if we don't find each other?"
"We will. I will. I will find you. It's gonna be alright. The only difference is we're going to be in Storybrooke and not the Enchanted Forest. And that's it. We will defeat your sister." Robin whispered, pulling her into a hug. They both knew that it would be minutes before they would leave the castle. It was minutes before they would wake up without each other. And they wouldn't even know they were apart. Because they wouldn't even know the other existed.
"Promise me." Regina whispered seconds before the curse hitter them.
"I promise." Robin answered, and then they were surrounded by a green smoke.

Regina and Robin stared at each other open mouthed. Then more memories hit them and then, they remembered the entire missing year. They remembered each other.
"Regina." Robin said quietly when the memories stopped coming back.
She didn't answer, she just end pulled him towards her. And then pulled away immediately because when their lips touched there was this soft tickle, and warmth and then they both realised what happened. They broke the curse. Because they're each other's true love. But that wasn't the only thing, they were soulmates. Written in the stars, destined to be together. They were a part of each other. And they always will be. No matter how much villains come across their way.

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