Only You Can Send Me Under

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I have WiFi! XD My grandparents don't have it on this camping, but my grandma's sister does. I don't know when I'll publish the next chapter... ALSO GUYS, ALMOST 1K READS OMBFG (oh my bloody fcking God 😂😂😂) I'M SO HAPPY GUYS PARTYYYYY But a bit more serious now, this is gonna be a break-up, be prepared (guys I almost cried while writing this and when I wrote the sequel in my head {I might publish/actually write that as well} I did cry so yeah) Please read the A/N on the end as well... One more thing, this is sort of Robin's point of view.

~The text in Italic is the song "Under" from Alex Hepburn~

No. This couldn't be happening. It just couldn't. She couldn't be leaving him. Because he couldn't lose her. He couldn't lose the one girl he loved more than live was worth once again. He couldn't survive a heart break again. But here they were, in Granny's, with them in the middle of all the focus, while Regina told him they couldn't go on like this. That they should probably let each other go, but he had no idea what she meant, no idea what he did wrong. He just stood there, completely numb and was watching her leave the diner. Was watching her leave his life and never return.

Don't bury me.
Don't lay me down.
Don't say it's over.
Cause that would send me under.

Underneath the ground.
Don't say those words.
I wanna live but your words can murder.
Only you can send me under, under, under.

He had no idea how, but he was home. No he wasn't, Regina's house -the mayor's house- that was home. This was the camp of his Merry Men. He had told Roland they would camp a few days with the Merry Men. The boy didn't need to know his parents were over (Regina technically wasn't his mother but Roland saw her as his). Not when there was a chance he could still win her back. Somewhere deep down he knew he couldn't. She had made her choice and he wouldn't force her.

I die every time you walk away.
Don't leave me alone with me.
See, I'm afraid.
Of the darkness and my demons and the voices,
Saying nothing's gonna be okay.

I feel it in my heart, soul, mind that I'm losing.
You, me, you're abusing,
Every reason I have left to live.

"You're okay?" Will walked towards him.
Robin stared into the flames of the fire and he had to fight the urge to not think back to when he last did that. When she had walked up towards him, when she grabbed his collar and- No. Stop.
"No. I'm not. She left me, Will." Robin answered, without looking away from the fire.
"You're gonna be okay. Look at the last time when this happened. When Marian-" Will stopped mid-sentence.
"When Marian died. You can say it out loud Will." Robin said bitterly. "And I know I can't actually say this, because I was married to Marian and I had a relationship of a few moths with Regina, but this hurts more. It hurts far more than when Marian died."
"That's not so weird." somebody else said and Robin and Will turned around to see John approach them. "Regina was your second chance." John continued.
"The thing is, I don't know what I did wrong." Robin whispered.

Don't bury me.
Don't lay me down.
Don't say it's over.
Cause that would send me under.

Underneath the ground.
Don't say those words.
I wanna live but your words can murder.
Only you can send me under, under, under.

"It doesn't mean you did something wrong." John said quietly.
"Sure. She's ditching me because of no reason." Robin muttered, while looking back into the flames.
"Maybe she had a reason." Will said.
"Don't you think she could at least told me? At least prepared me for this? Because then maybe I could have tried to fix it. I could have fix us. Now she already made her choice."
"Maybe she found somebody else." Will said and John slapped him for that.
"Wrong thing to say Scarlett." John whispered. Then he looked at his leader. "Robin, don't listen to him. She doesn't have somebody else. But maybe you should talk to her."
"What's there to talk about?" Robin asked, while finally looking away from the fire and looked at John.
"The reason why she ended your relationship. Because nobody saw this coming, so something happened. Something bad. Maybe somebody told her something."

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