(Electric) Shocks

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Here's the one shot I promised you guys! I hope you like it.
This chapter is inspired by the scene in Season 2 where Regina gets tortured by Greg and Tamara. In this story, Robin already is in Storybrooke (probably came there with the first curse, I don't know, I didn't thought about why he already was there, so let's just go with the first curse) and he and Regina are together.

The pain that was shooting through her was unbearable. Greg (or Owen) wanted answers about his long lost father, but she didn't know what happened. After Owen had crossed town line his father had ran off and they had never found him again. But Regina was pretty sure he was dead. Which is what she told him, but she made it look like she killed him (which she most certainly didn't). Tamara, Greg's partner in crime, walked in and she tried to catch the topic of their conversation. From the corner of her eye she saw Greg turning the power higher. She was going to die. She was sure. There was no way Robin would be on time. If he would come. All she could do right now was wishing that he would save her.
"Everything is taken care of." Tamara told Greg.
"The pod?" Greg asked.
"As long as Neal and Emma are concerned, I'm just running on the beach. How are things going with the Queen?"
That was about her, she didn't get the first part, but "the Queen" that was her.
"You know, she's not exactly cooperative, but that's all about to chance." Greg answered, while turning the power a bit higher. "Right Regina?" he asked and then he pushed the button.

Pain. That's all she felt in this moment. When Greg turned it off again, it still was still hurting and she could tell that wasn't good sign. Not that this whole being tortured stuff wasn't.
"You have no idea who you're dealing with." Regina threatened, because it was the only thing she could do right now.
"Actually no, you have no idea who you are dealing with." Greg said.
"A couple of fools, in over their heads, who go around stealing magic." Regina answered.
"Stealing magic?" Tamara asked. "You think we are going to steal magic?"
"We're going to destroy it." Greg added.
"You can't destroy magic." Regina mentioned.
"We can. You have no idea what we can do." Greg said.
Tamara stayed silent and just looked at her. Then she left again.
"Now, you're going to tell me about my father."
"I already told you, he's dead. I killed him."
Greg looked at her like he didn't believe her. Which was right, cause she didn't kill him, but he was most certainly dead.
"If you don't believe me you can search for him." Regina continued and she saw Greg walking back to the reason why she was being electrocuted every once in a while.
"He's not. You're lying, my father is still alive." Greg said and then he turned the power to the highest level possible.
"I didn't. He's-"
She got interrupted by Greg who pushed the button. She screamed and then her world turned black.

Robin was running as fast as he could. Mary Margaret and David were able to find out his girlfriend was being tortured and they had called him in complete panic.
When he entered the building he heard Regina scream and then it went silent again. Like nothing happened. Like nobody was there. But he knew they were. Greg, Tamara and Regina were in here somewhere. The question was... where?
He wanted to call her, scream her name and see what happened. But he decided there was a chance Greg and Tamara were armed too, so that wasn't the best thing to do. After crossing almost the entire building he finally found her.

Robin threw the door open and started to fire his gun. Tamara was nowhere to be seen and Greg disappeared behind a door. Robin wanted to follow him and then shoot the bastard who caused Regina pain, but speaking about her, she needed him more so he walked back to her. Regina was tied down onto something that looked like a table and didn't move. Robin checked her pulse, which was still there so she wasn't dead.
"Is she okay?"
Robin looked up and saw Mary Margaret and David in the doorway. In his hurry to save Regina he didn't even know they followed him.
"There's a pulse." he answered.
"Good." David answered.
This was pretty weird, the thing that David and Mary Margaret tried to save Regina, Robin was thankful for it, but it was weird. Because neither David nor Mary Margaret really liked her. It was more like hated her.
"We need to get her out of here." Robin muttered while he started to cut the things that looked much like rope and which were keeping her down. When she was free Robin lifted her into his arms and turned back to David and Mary-Margaret.
"We came with the car, we can give you a lift." David offered.
"Thanks mate." Robin smiled.

When Regina woke up she was lying in her own bed and was Robin kneeling next to her and he was holding her hand.
"Hi." he whispered.
"You saved me." Regina said softly, but her voice was hoarse from all the screaming.
"I did, but MM (Mary Margaret) and David helped me."
"What happened to Greg and Tamara?" she asked quietly.
"They escaped. But you were my priority, otherwise I would have gone after them." Robin answered.
"I still don't know what I did to deserve you." Regina smiled.
"Neither do I. But you need to rest, so go to sleep."
"What about you?"
"What do you mean?" Robin asked her confused.
"Will you come and lie down with me? I want you to hold me." she admitted quietly.
"Whatever Milady wants."
Robin lied down next to her and when she was safely in his arms he swore she would never get hurt again as this time. And Robin also promised to himself that he would kill both Greg and Tamara the next time he came across them.

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