Saving the (Former) Evil Queen

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When Regina saves Roland from the flying monkey, she's too late with protecting herself and the monkey injures her. Robin wants to help her, but his Merry Men are trying to argue with him, because they think she's still evil. By the way, Will is in this story with them, I don't remember if he was on the show, but any ways, he's super funny so I just decided to throw him in here. Here's what happens...

Roland screams. Regina runs. She's picks him up and places him behind her, but because she was too focused on saving Roland, she's too late. The creature starts to attack her. Her arm is bleeding and there is a spot on her stomach that starts to turn dark red. Snow screams her name, and so does Roland.

When Robin finally past his Merry Men, he quickly aimed his bow and shot the monkey. It wasn't dead, just badly injured and couldn't fly straight anymore when he left. Roland stared at the queen, who was bleeding to her death in front of him. Then everybody was talking at the same time and both Snow and Robin ran towards Regina.

"Regina? Can you hear me? Where does it hurt?" Snow was firing questions at her.
Her voice didn't sound like it normally did. It was a raspy whisper and Robin could see she was fighting to stay conscious.
"Stay with us Milady. Keep your eyes open. It's gonna be alright."
After he said that she smiled weakly, like she didn't believe him and passed out.
"Regina!" Snow screamed, but she didn't react.
"We need to get her away from here." Robin said, still looking at Regina.
"Are you bloody serious right now?" One of the Merry Men screamed.
Robin finally teared his gaze away from the queen and looked up.
"Why wouldn't I be serious? She needs help."
"She's the Evil Queen Robin!" Somebody else screamed.
"Was the Evil Queen."
"How do you know she changed?"
Robin looked at his son and the princess. Roland looked scared and his father didn't know if it was because Regina was still bleeding out on the ground, because of what the men were screaming, or both. Snow looked at him pleadingly, silently telling him he needed to hurry up and not listen to what ever the men were screaming. And then he looked at the queen. She saved his son for God's sake! Why would she do that if she was evil? Why was she hurting so deeply about something if she still was who she used to be? Robin knew in that moment that she wasn't the Evil Queen anymore and that no matter what the men said, he was going to save her. What he also knew, but didn't want to accept was that he was falling for her. Hard.
So he turned around and picked her up.

"I can't believe he saved her." Will muttered.
"Well she saved Roland." John said, defending both Robin and Regina.
"I can't believe he lets him so close to her either. I mean why is he okay with that?"
"I think it's kinda obvious Scarlett."
Will looked at their leader.
"Bloody idiot."
John laughed.
"It's true! All she's going to do is hurt him."
"Who said that?"
"Right, because falling for a villain doesn't always mean that the person who's in love doesn't end up hurt." Will said sarcastically.
"Who said falling in love with a hero doesn't hurt?"
"Falling in love just hurts in general." Will muttered.
"Maybe, Maybe not."
"It still doesn't change anything about the fact that he's a bloody idiot."
"Will, look. She's changed. And what you forget is maybe and just maybe, she isn't going to hurt him. Maybe he's going to hurt her. She's a person too you know? And if we kept judging people by their past, we would be done with you now wouldn't we?" John walked towards Tuck after that, making clear the conversation was over. It also made clear that Robin was in love, or falling in love, with her and they just had to make peace with it. As well as they had to make peace with her.

Robin was amazed by how small the Queen actually was. Snow was carrying Roland, who was very shaken up by the past events.
The thief thanked his lucky stars they were close to the castle when she got attacked.
"Robin." he suddenly heard softly.
This was the first time she said his name, not "thief" or "outlaw" or something else.
"Yes Milady?"
"Roland is fine right?"
"He is, he is also very worried about you."
Regina smiled weakly at that, but now it was a true smile.
"Why are you saving me?" Her voice got softer and softer and he knew she could pass out at any moment again.
"Because I couldn't let you die."
He thought she was out again when there was no reaction. Robin looked down and saw her eyes closed.
Then he heard her whisper: "That's new." It broke is heart.
Robin held her tighter against him and started to walk a little bit faster.

David left the group to sprint towards the castle and warn Doc.
Robin got more concerned about The Queen's state with every passing second.
"We're almost there Robin." Snow suddenly spoke.
"I know."
"You think she'll be alright?" Snow asked worried. Roland was now walking with Tuck and John, so the princess and the thief could talk about Regina.
"I don't know. But I certainly hope so." Robin glanced at Regina quickly and when he looked at Snow, he saw her smiling widely.
"You like her don't you?"
Robin sighed. "Maybe."
Snow laughed softly, which made Robin raise an eyebrow at her.
"I didn't hear you say no." Snow smiled and then she went to look for Roland.

When they arrived at the castle Doc immediately started to check up on Regina. Soon she wasn't in a life threatening situation anymore.
"Is R'gina okay?" Roland asked with teary eyes and a quivering lip.
"She's fine. Wanna see her?" Doc replied, and Roland nodded excitedly. Doc looked at Robin and the thief decided to join his son. Snow stayed outside.

"Hey." Regina spoke softly, and it was clear she was weakened by the attack. She still slowly sat up and looked at the two men in front of her.
"Hi." Roland whispered back, making the Queen smile.
"How are you feeling?" Robin spoke up and Regina shifted her gaze from the little boy to his father. God he looked worried about her.
"I'm alright," Regina looked back at the boy. "How are you Roland?"
"I'm good. Thanks to you!"
Regina smiled but it looked forced and Robin realised she was still in pain. So he suggested him and Roland should leave.
"Robin wait."
The thief froze and turned back to her, his heart beating twenty times faster now.
"Can I please have a word with you?"
Roland left, leaving the two adults alone.
"Thank you for saving me." If Regina was honest, she liked the man. Really liked him. She was just so damn scared.
"Of course." He moved closer to her.
Regina looked up at him.
"Yes Milady?"
"Kiss me."
He followed her order gladly, having wanted to kiss those lips ever since her met her.
Their lips met softly and she linked her arms around his neck.
Regina moved and pulled him next to her on the bed, their kiss growing more and more passionate. Robin deepened the kiss and soon they were running out of breath.
They parted and stared at each other.
"Stay with me?"
"You have to rest though."

And that's how Regina fell asleep in Robin's arms, Robin still fully clothed. Both never felt more happy or secure than it that moment. And if they got in a relationship, and found their happy ever after in each other, well, then so it be.

I'm soooo sorry for not uploading for so long, it's just that I haven't been really inspired to write about OQ (crazy cuz they used to be all I wrote about) anyway, I hope y'all can forgive me, and that you liked this. And hopefully next one shot will be up sooner, but I can't promise ya anything. 💘🏹🍎💘

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