Three Months

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So, another sad OQ story, I really don't know why I wrote two sad stories right after each other, but after this, my personal favourite one shot will be published, so yeah... I still wish you guys good luck😂😘👍🏻

I know that in the show, Outlaw Queen is separated by the town line for 9 weeks, which was way too long, but here it's three months. I'm not entirely sure why three, but it's this way so yeah...
I hope you like this story!

It's been three months. Three months, and still no Robin. No phone call, no message, nothing. It's like he's never been part of her life. Except for the scent of forest that's still clinging into their sheets after the countless times she had washed them, and her broken heart, there's no sign of him. She feels like an awful parent, but right now, in this moment, exactly three months after her true love left Storybrooke and took her heart and happiness with him, she couldn't care less. All she could think of was him. And the fact that he was never coming back.

Three months, it's been three months since he left Storybrooke. Three months since he had last seen her. Three months since he had kissed her for one last time. He tries, he really tries to do what Regina had asked him. He tried to forget her and live his life with Roland and Marian. But he simply just couldn't. He couldn't forget her and he couldn't live his life with somebody who once was his everything, but who isn't anymore. It was very, very late and he was lying on the couch, since Marian had told him that he or stopped thinking about Regina or slept on the couch. And that is how he ended up here. Robin tried not to wonder what she was doing right now and if she was having such an hard time with this as he was. But he failed miserably and wondered if she was already asleep right now.

She wasn't. She tried, but she couldn't sleep. So she left her house quietly and stepped into her car. She could almost dream the way to the town line. Regina had drove there almost everyday the first two weeks. And then after one months past and then after two and now it was three. Three freaking months.

Regina stopped in front of the town line and opened her door. She slowly walked towards the line, knowing that he wasn't coming back. She wondered what happened if she would just leave this town and searched for Robin in New York. She knew she couldn't, but she wanted to leave this town so badly she didn't care about logic anymore. She walked closer towards the line, and closer, and closer.
She stopped and turned around. Emma was standing next to a police cab and ran towards her.
"Don't leave. We can't have you not around to fix our problems." Emma joked, but went serious again when she said: "Henry needs you."
"But I'm the worst parent ever right now."
"No, I am. I gave him up, I didn't believe in him and I tried to take him away from you. He needs one good parent and you are that one. You are his mother and he understands why you're doing this."
"He does?"
"Yesterday he said it would be three months today and when Robin would come back, because he is going to come back, Henry is going to give him a talk about how much pain he got you going through."
"He said that?" Regina asked with a smile.
"He did and both Henry and I are going to help you. You're not alone." Emma said, while she walked towards Regina to stop right next to her.
Regina was going to say something back, but then her phone rang.

Robin decided that if she was asleep she wouldn't answer and he needed to make sure she was fine. The worries were driving him crazy. Robin walked out of his apartment, taking his keys of the table beside the door in the process and stood beside his closed apartment door when he called her. He was sure that even if she was awake, she wouldn't pick up, but she did and it surprised him.
God, she sounded exhausted and there was this tremble in her voice he had only heard once. When she told him that once you cross town line there's no way back he had heard it. Back then, it was barely noticeable, but now it was clear and it broke his heart.
"Yeah, it's me." he didn't even recognise his own voice. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.
"Why are you calling?" Regina asked and for one moment he didn't know what to say.
"It has been three months." he said instead and for some reason, saying it out loud made it even more real than it already was.
"It has."
"I'm sorry."
"For what?" Regina asked confused.
"For calling you, for leaving you, for not being able to do what you asked me."
"And that is?" she asked, still confused but also touched by his words.
"I can't forget you, I can't live this life with Marian because it's not real and it never will be."
"She's your wife."
"Not in this world."
"But you are for her. And I'm the Evil Queen. This is not fair against her Robin."
"And it is neither for you, nor is it for me Regina! If you really think I want this, you couldn't be more wrong. I. Love. You. Not her. I did, in another life, but not in this one, not the way I love you. In this life you are the only one for me and time isn't going to chance that."
"I know. You're not the only one without a choice, you know? But I'm busy with finding away to get you back here and still didn't find anything. There's just one thing you need to remember and that is that no matter which world, life, year or dimension we live in, Marian is the mother of your child so she can't just disappear out of your or Roland's life."
"I know." Robin said, knowing she was right and there was nothing they could do about it.

If you would have told him a few years ago he would want Marian to disappear out of his life again and would just go back to being dead, he would have laughed at you in your face and probably shot you with one of his arrows, yelling that Marian was his wife, mother of his child and true love. But he wanted her to disappear. Because he didn't love her anymore.
"It's late, I think I go home and then sleep." Regina whispered. That last part surprised him.
"You're not home?"
"No, I'm at the town line. With Emma by the way." Regina answered.
"Town line." Robin repeated.
"Yeah, I think there's a part of me that won't believe you're actually gone. There's a part of me that's still having hope you'll return. But that's useless cause it's hopeless." That broke both Robin's and Emma's heart.
"It's not. Please don't give up hope." Robin pleaded her, because if she lost hope, so would he and that meant they're hopeless and that meant not together and he can't handle that. Because the longer he is not with her, the more it hurts.
"I can't promise that." Regina told him and he knew she was crying and so was he. Then she said: "Goodnight Robin."
Then Regina hung up and he was alone with the silence, outside his apartment and cried. He didn't even knew for how long.

"Please tell me you're not serious about that hope thing." Emma said the moment Regina lowered her cellphone.
"I am Emma."
"We will find a way."
"You told me that since the day he left and it's three months later right now and he's still in New York!"
"I know, but we will get him back. I promise."
Regina didn't say anything, she just looked at Emma.
"I promise." Emma repeated, hoping, wishing, she didn't made it worse. She needed to get Robin back or the women in front of her might lose herself, for so far she already hasn't. And no matter what Regina did, no matter how long it would take them, no matter what she needed to give up for it, she was going to get Robin back. Robin and Regina might lose hope, but she wasn't going to. She was going to be their saviour. And she doubted if she would ever quit that job.

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