Seana; The 15th of July

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So I already published "The Lion Tattoo" but it's Lana's birthday and I want to do something, also I need Seana since Robin is dead and I will never be over that, even though I included it in this story.
I also made an edit on Instagram, go follow me if you want😊 I'm "onceuponapotterfan". Thanks!

"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to-"
"Shut up and let me sleep Sean." Lana said, ducking under the pillow she was lying on so now it was over her head.
"Firstly, it's your birthday, so no. Secondly, you need to go to work, so no. You need to get up." Sean said while taking the pillow from her.
"But baby-" Lana whines, taking back her pillow.
"Lana. Get up. You're gonna be late."
"I don't wanna go without you." Lana murmurs into the pillow.
Sean sighs. "I know sweetheart, but you have to. We can't change the show."
"I hate Adam & Eddy." She whispers.
"No you don't, you adore them. But I know it's hard, I didn't want to leave either."
"It was the scariest crap ever watching you die."
"It's fake."
"You still died."
It stayed silent for a while. Then Sean decided this wasn't going the way it was supposed to go, so he tried again to wake her up, because he saw she was asleep again.
"Hey. Birthday girl, you need to get up." He gently shook her, without a reaction. "Lana..."
"No. I want to stay with you."
"I know." Then he thought for a few seconds. "If I go with you to the set, will you get up?"
"Shower together too." Lana added.
Sean gave her a knowing look and smile that made her knees go weak, even though she was lying down.
"Just to save water babe. Don't flatter yourself." Lana said, getting up.
"You are unbelievable you know that?"
"Yeah, I know." was her only reply, looking over her shoulder when she walked towards the bathroom, throwing her nightgown to the bed just before entering.
Sean groaned and muttered a "Fuck." under his breath, making sure she didn't hear it.

Sean wanted to make her a full English breakfast, but because it took her very long to wake up, and because things got a bit heated in the shower, there was no time for that.
So they settled with yoghurt and Sean promising her a fancy dinner later.

"You're ready?" Sean called upstairs. She didn't have to apply make-up, so it didn't make sense why it took her so long.
"Yeah." Lana called, almost running down the stairs.
"Didn't you wear jeans?" Sean asked, looking at her simple dress.
"Well, it's my birthday and somehow it's not that cold in Vancouver right now. I have a jacket for later but I need to change any ways."
"Okay, let's go."

"So... feeling any difference?" Sean asks from behind the drivers wheel.
"You mean between 38 and 39? No, not yet... But I do have a 'B-day girl' feeling, if you know what I mean."
"So, you think the crew will send you home?"
"Me? No, of course not. I'm way to charming for that."
"The real Prince Charming... sure." Lana laughed, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.
"Well, actually-"
"You need to shut up Silly Monkey."
"Yes Ma'am."
"It's your Majesty." Lana said softly, and both laughed after that.

When they arrived at Steveston, the streets were empty. Lana looked at her boyfriend, who looked just as surprised as she was. But of course, being an actor, that wasn't very hard and Lana knew that as well.
"Where is everybody?"
"And how do you expect me to know that? My character is dead remember?"
"Stop saying that. I'm still denying it."

They started to walk around the small town, seeing nobody.
"Where did they all go?"
Lana looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Somewhere?! Sean, where are they?"
"I don't know babe."
"Yes you do. Where. Are. They?"
"Well, not here apparently."
"Stop doing that!"
"Stop doing what?" Sean asked her, still playing innocent.
"Everything huh? So this too?" He asked, slowly moving forward and then, after way too long, their lips touched and Lana stopped fighting, just melted into the kiss.

"Stop fighting sweetie and shut up because you're gonna ruin it." Sean whispered against her lips.
"Ruin what?" Lana asked confused.
The entire cast jumped from behind cars and ran from behind buildings, from inside buildings, it was amazing.
Bex didn't stop running and ran straight towards her "sis".
"Happy B-day sis." she whispered, hugging Lana so tight she could barely breath.
"Thank you. Now, will you please let me go, I rather not die on my birthday."
Sean and Rebecca both laughed.
"Having your British gang complete again?" Jen asked her smirking.
"You need to shut your pretty mouth Jen and come hug me." Lana answered.
"MORRILLA IS CONFIRMED. I REPEAT: MORRILLA IS CONFIRMED." Jared screamed, making everybody laughed.
"Well, rather not actually." Sean said, looking at his girlfriend who was still hugging the pretty blonde.
"SEANA ALL THE WAY!" Bex screamed, and Colin whistled.
"OUTLAW QUEEN." Ginny screamed.
"STOP MENTIONING THAT." Lana screamed and most of the cast couldn't stand straight anymore because they were laughing so hard.
"NEVER. OQ FOREVERRR. Ohhh, that rimes." Ginny replied.
"You are hopeless." Sean said, shaking his head.
"Not hopeless honey, hopefull." Lana answered, looking him straight in the eye.
"You guys are weird." Jared commented and then A & E said they should celebrate and congratulate fast, because they still needed to change and film, because it was still a work day and them fooling around would only take up time and distract. So after ten minutes, everybody went to get changed and make-up done, cutting the party short. But on the bright side, Sean was allowed to stay.

When they were done filming it was 23.30, way too late for a fancy dinner. But the "B-day girl" and her lover had been secretly kissing between scenes for most of he day, and Adam & Eddy allowed it, knowing they were doing that, but it was The Queen's birthday, so they agreed to stay silent.

Lana and Sean arrived home a few minutes past midnight. Because it was Friday, they were off tomorrow. They had ate on set, so they headed straight for bed.
"Sorry I didn't get you a fancy dinner babe."
"It's alright. Today was awesome."
"I'm a bit disappointed that I was back, but nobody paid attention to me..." Sean whispered, pouting.
"I did." Lana whispered back, kissing him softly.
"You did indeed."
"Mmmhhh." Lana mumbled, already drifting to sleep in his arms.
"What did Milady think of today?"
"Best birthday ever." Lana whispered and then she was out. Not long after her, Sean fell asleep as well, but not before admiring her, beautiful and oh so peaceful. And of course, his. And just before he fell asleep, he thought "Bless the gods for Lana Parrilla. Thank them for this beautiful woman. And of course Mr. and Mrs. Parrilla for creating her." And then he too, was out as a light.

The "Prince Charming" conversation is about the fact that Sean played Cinderella's prince in Prince Charming (I think it's called that way) but it was filmed in 2001, so a while ago😂😂😂
I hope you liked this! And a nice International Lana Day to you guys!

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