I'm gonna save him, the consequenses be damned

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In this story, Robin and Regina were together before Zelena showed up. I hope you like this short story and sorry for the mistakes.

When Robin wakes up again after the Wicked Witch of the West knocked him and his Merry Men out. He glanced around quickly, noticed all his men were fine, and then somebody else crossed his mind. Regina.

He and Regina were in a relationship for almost a year now and she was a bit over four months pregnant at the moment. Which is why it scared him to bits when he saw her knocked out in front of Snow's hospital door. Snow. The reason they were here. The reason Regina brought herself in danger. He knew that wasn't entirely true, but it wasn't a complete lie either. One way or another, the women he loved and who also carried his unborn child was lying on the floor, had her eyes closed and didn't move.

When he found her he thought for one second that she was dead. But the pale colour other skin was because of the fact that she was exhausted, both from using magic seconds ago as well as fighting her wicked sister while being pregnant for the past few weeks, and not from dying.
"Regina. Love, you need to wake up." He shook her gently are few times and then she groaned and opened her eyes. For one second she just looked at him and then realisation hit her.
Snow. Snow's baby. Zelena.
She tried to get up quickly, but Robin slowed her down, making sure she was being careful.
"Robin we need to save Snow's baby. Now."
"Honey we need somebody to look at you first."
She looked at him like he was absolutely crazy.
"The baby-"
"The baby and I are fine. Now please let go of me so I can find my sister."
"Regina, first you, than Snow. You got thrown into a wall for god's sake!"
"Please. Please let somebody look at you. Than you can do whatever you want with your sister. Just get yourself checked."
Regina sighed, whispered a "fine" and started to walk towards the reception.

"I need a doctor, and I'm in a hurry so please be quick."
The nurse looked at her, than at Robin and looked back at the mayor.
"How long do you have Madam Mayor?"
"Two minutes."
Both Robin and the nurse looked at her.
"What? I need to save Snow's baby okay? So, if you don't mind hurry up." The last part was towards the nurse, who quickly nodded.
"No. You said I needed to do this? Fine. Does that mean I will co-operate? Maybe. Does that mean I'm gonna give that damn doctor all the time of the world to check me and our child? Hell no."

"Miss Mills? I'm Doctor Wu and I'll be checking on you and your baby."
"Just hurry up okay?"
"Might I ask why you're in such a hurry?" The Doctor asks as he started doing whatever doctors do when they check if the mother and baby are both still healthy.
"Because doctor, Snow's newborn child has been kidnapped by the Wicked Witch of the West and I promised her I would keep him safe." Regina replied while looking at the ceiling.

After Dr. Wu was done, Regina quickly got up, grabbed Robin's wrist and started to drag him through the hospital.
"Babe, calm done. It's gonna be fine." Robin tried.
Regina stopped abruptly.
"Why do you want to save that baby so badly?"
"If that was our child Robin, if I was in the room Snow's in now, and our child would be taken right under our eyes and we couldn't do anything about it... We would them to save our baby as well right? So I'm gonna save theirs."
"If this happened to us, than yes, I would want, maybe even force them, to keep our kid save but that isn't the only reason is it?"
"They lost their chance at raising Emma because of me. That child is their second chance at being the parents Emma needed, the parents Emma deserved, if it wasn't for me. I can't let my sister ruin that for them. Robin I can't. I have to save him. I don't care what the cost is... She's bringing an innocent child in danger. We have to stop her."
"Honey I know. But don't you see that this is incredibly dangerous for you? In your... current state... it might not be smart to face your sister."
"I'll be fine. We'll be fine." She corrected, placing her right hand on her small baby bump. "Because you'll be there right?"
"Yes, I'll be there."
Regina smiled.
"Good. 'Cause I need you with me."
Then she kissed him and for the what, sixth time that day everything seemed to stop.

When they would part, she would drag him through the hospital again, on her quest to save her step-daughters son, probably bringing herself in danger in the process. But now, now time was frozen and everything was perfect. Now, it was just them and their baby, and that was all they needed.

I've had this idea for a while and to be fair, it didn't turn out as great as I hoped, but it isn't terrible either so I guess it's fine.
Besides, I didn't want to use Dr. Whale for this, since he was there when Neal was born and I honestly don't like that guy. Dr. Wu was inspired by Dr. Henry Wu from Jurassic Parc and I found it fitting 😂😂😂. At first I wanted to do "Doctor Who" as name but then I was like "mehhh" (mainly cause I never watched Dr. Who sorry guys). Anyways, almost 2k readers yassss.

P.S. Can somebody explain to me why 1k takes f*cking long, but 2k is there in a heartbeat?
Also, I didn't know what I should name this thing so yeah, here's a random title Regina didn't even say (if you have a better one please tell me)

P.P.S. Should I do a sequel to this as well where Regina faces Zelena and saves Neal?

Outlaw Queen One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें