August 9th, 1943

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Dear Rebecca,

I wish I was back in London. I don't think I've ever been more nervous in my life.

Our division was moved out to Italy last week because the rouge Nazi Science division is slowly taking over the country. Their weapons are far more powerful than anything I've seen to date. They are uncontrollable, and spreading quickly.

It also has me thinking. Why in the world would some demonic political party need a division like this HYDRA? I mean you are already have scientists doing horrible things at Jewish concentration camps and hundreds of them are dying by the hour, and you want a science division to capture other soldiers and do God knows what to them. It doesn't add up.

A-ha. World domination. Now things add up.

Hope things are doing better than they were in Brooklyn, my love. I miss you more and more everyday.

I love you, my sweetest Rebecca Wood

-Love, Bucky Barnes

Love, Rebecca Wood // Bucky Barnes ✔️Where stories live. Discover now