Tagged Again!!!

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So again I got tagged... Buggy321 tagged me. So I guess I'll answer some questions.

1. What's your favorite sport?
My fav sport is cross country.

2. What's your favorite song?
My fav song is Requiem Of Madness sung by Hisoka.

3. What was the first anime you've ever watched?
Seikon No Qwaser.

4. Did you ever think anime was stupid?

5.What's your lucky number?


6. Do you prefer sweet or spicy?

Sweet of course!

7. What's the name of your best friend?

8. Do you play an instrument?
I play the flute.

9. Where is your dream vacation?

10. Do you have any siblings?

3 sisters.

11. If you could change one thing in your past what would it be?
1 thing I would change in my past is when I lied about stealing.

12. Has someone ever threatened to call the police on you?

13. What's the worst promise you've broken? (if you have broken any)
So far my worst promise I have broken was, telling my friends crush and it spread around the whole school.

I hope you enjoyed this my awesome pwebles! and I'm not gonna tag anybody.

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