The Evil That Hides

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      So this story might not be the brightest sunshine filled one, but i assure you it is not by any means any less true. Everything used to be normal until the day i started having those dreams..... I never knew how bad it really was.

                          Chapter I

      "It's a clear night tonight." I looked over at the pale girl sitting next to me, as my friend made jokes about us. "Yeah it really is. You like the night?" I asked her, hoping to find something i could finally talk about with her. She seemed scared this whole time. "Yes, it's my favorite time. What about you? Kai?"  I smiled and looked at her. "It's the only time i really feel comfortable." I was then greeted by a marshmallow hitting the back of my head. I turn around to see who had done it. "Oh no."

        I guess you wouldn't understand, let me go back a bit. It was the start of summer and i had just moved again. I had been moving a lot lately due to some odd circumstances. I guess it was just too much to be coincidence. I soon made some friends. A blonde haired, brown eyed boy who had spent most of his life working on motor bikes and had muscles that i swear pro wrestlers spent years to get named Jake walks up to me. "Hey you coming to the concert?" He asks as if i would miss it. "Yeah of course man!" Behind me a tanned and equally toned boy with black hair and blue eyes wearing shades speaks. "Haha you better after last time!" I smirk. "Xander you always have to look cool don't you?" "I can 't help what i am!" Xander replies. We all laugh and for once i feel like everything could be ok. Today id go watch them perform, after all The Purple Demon, Jake's idea for the name, was the best band on the charts.

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