Camping and the Reveal

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         Angel and I rode in the back of Xander's truck and since we were cool like that, we let the wind hit us as we relaxed. Her beautiful brunette hair shining like the sun as it flowed in the wind like waves in the ocean grazed my cheek and gave me this sense of comfort I didn't know i was longing for. With her head on my chest and my arm around her she seemed so happy. We started approaching the mountain top around dusk and once we started heading up she said something that surprised me. "Kai can we always stay like this?" I looked at her a little stunned, but before i could think i asked, "Angel be mine so we never have to be apart ok?" With shining eyes she smiles and screamed yes, which was only interrupted by a sweet kiss before the guys decided to look.

           "Well someone finally grew a pair!" Jake laughed as soon as he saw. Xander however shook his head and pulled him away. Our kiss broke as we were both a little embarrassed. I didn't care, she was mine and i was hers. We got to the spot and started setting up. I of course wouldn't let Angel lift a finger no matter how much she insisted. "Hey guys, there aren't snakes up here are there?" "No," They said while looking at me like i was crazy. "We come up here all the time and never see any, so i don't think they would be a problem." "Good." I reply. We finish setting up the camp and get the fire going. Angel and i sit by the fire looking up at the stars.

             Now that I've caught you up, let's continue our story. My eyes grow wide as i notice the cobra, which isn't supposed to even be in this area in the first place, slithering up. I jump up and immediately Angel grabs my hand. "Don't go." She says. "I have to, i have to stop that cobra!" The guys look surprised as they look at me. "Don't leave me alone." Angel says. I look again and even the path in the dirt the cobra had made was gone. "But it was....." "You ok man?" Jake and Xander ask simultaneously. "You couldn't see it?" Everyone but me shakes their heads. "The dreams..." I say. Xander looks worried since i told him i had been having nightmares lately. He was the only one who knew. "Ok i think i should tell you all, since you are the people closest to my heart." I pause to hear Jake make a joke, but it never came so I continued. "I want to tell you about what happened before I came here." I held Angel close as i began.

{Edited By YonakaWonderland}

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