Answers and my mom Meets my Girlfriend?!

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"We are split parts of your soul, but we know more than you will ever." Serpentine began. "For example, those towns you lived in before now? All struck by various disasters that you yourself would have died in." "Yes even the times you found yourself unable to move from you place, there was always a reason." Lupus states with a smug look on his face. "Even now you aren't safe." "What do you mean? I can't be in that much danger here can I?" "You are always targeted." Serpentine states as if it was nothing. "Ok the snake from the campsite. Where did it go?" "Look closer Kai," I was taken by surprise by Lupus's tone. "It is still on your arm." I did as told and was surprised to find it was there.

Voices start growing louder as if I was coming back from a coma, but I knew they were coming to the room. "Ma'am I'm afraid I can't let you in without knowing your relation to the patient!" Well by the one statement I knew my mom had arrived. I had my own place now so one of the guys must have called her. She expertly knocked the doctor out of the way and burst in the room. "Where is he? Is my baby ok?" She'd yelled which made us all look at her. She hugged me quickly and although I'm sure I was still hurt, I couldn't feel any pain from it. "You're welcome." Serpentine's voice echoes in my head. "Mom I'm ok, please don't cry. The guys and Angel got me here. Just in time I'd guess." She then sits up noticing something I didn't. "So you are the Angel that called me?" I felt my face grow surprised. Angel had been the one to call?

"Hello I'm Angel." She says not letting go of my side. "Oh? I'm Kai's mother. My name is Roselynn, but you can call me mom. My face flushes red with embarrassment, but Angel smiles and says, "I hope I can call you that forever." Which causes my to blush even deeper and before I know it I hear myself say, "You will." I see my mom smirk a.d get ready for the worst, but then she speaks. "Well I hope he gets over his anxiety and asks, because with a girl as pretty as you he is going to be very shy!" She then laughs and I hide my face only to feel Angel kiss my forehead. Xander and Jake laugh and I can't help but feel happy for the first time since being in this room. "So how did you two meet?" My mom asks. She rest of the evening is filed with storied and mom embarrassing me more, but it seems nice.

That night I head back home with Angel staying with me too scared I'll get hurt on my own. As we lay on my bed and cuddle I can't help but wonder if she was more than she seemed like. "I love you." I hear her say before falling asleep. "I love you too." I smile as I tell her and slowly drift to sleep.

(Ok guys sorry there has been a lot going on such as the new relationship and all so it's been pretty busy. I'll try to upload more soon, but please be patient with me. Hope you enjoyed and please if you have anything you'd like to say please let me know and I'll try to reply in a short amount of time if I can.)

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