Drew XXI

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A/N - I know, I know the only POVS are REYNA,PIPER,AND JASON but since she seems like as much as a main character as them, she deserves a chapter for herself this chapter is a big part of the story. The last chapter will make more sense after this one. I'm just so happy about this story because I've never made it this far through a story! Well, hope you enjoy!

الالريغير الناس

(al'alam yughayir alnnas)

- Pain makes people change

C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - O N E


It was very simple because everyone told her she looked exactly like her former mother and her father loved her mother which was one of the reasons why her mother had to leave him. Her mother told her before she left,never get to attached to someone or they'll be able to control your feelings. She suspected that her mother was talking about her dad because he was incredibly attached to her mother but now that she was older, it was visa versa. Her mother loved her father which was why she had to leave him. Drew was like her mother in any ways. It only made sense in her head. When she tried telling a friend, they didn't believe her.

"That's not true," Her friend girl told her. She was a girl with ginger hair and a pink head band. Drew always liked her hair.

"It shouldn't be like that because if you love them, you would want to stay with them like in the princess movies."

Drew told her she was naive and stupid to which the girl started crying. She didn't regret that moment in her life once even though that was the last of her friendship. Drew didn't need friends anyway when she had every boy fawning over her. Her mother had given it to her; this trait to be able to woo anyone she wished. She always had that gift; Drew called it a gift since it was an advantage everyone else didn't have.

At the moment, it was a good thing she had that trait of her mother's since everyone in the ball room was going crazy in fear and anxiety. Drew took deep breath to ease herself since she couldn't calm everyone else down if she wasn't okay. The people who crashed into the hotel with no warning were covering all the exist. They left the ball room shortly after the black out with no reason whatsoever and closed the doors behind them, giving no one any way to leave. For a few seconds, she could hear gun shots and the shouts of people screaming. Her father wouldn't come to the hotel, Drew told herself. He was probably at home watching on the news what was happening and saving his own hind. She couldn't count on him to save her. She could only expect that whatever reason the terrorist or whom ever they were came here, it had something to do with her father. Drew just knew it in her gut.

Drew was having a rather hard time breathing. It wasn't only that. For the first time in her life, she was scared to wit. Of course, she had been afraid before but it was nothing like that. And aside from armed people walking down the Hotel, she was locked inside the ball room with any way of exiting. When ever she would walk but and glance around, people would give her glares and sideway glances and she knew what they were thinking. The blamed Drew for all of this mess, getting them into it. And if Drew weren't herself, she would blame Drew too.

People were rushing toward her, screaming her name and asking her what to do but Drew was in as much as a confusion as them. She tried easing everyone with soft words but they were too frustrated; she had to get their attention somehow. There were a number of people shedding tears and Drew had to cringe and wrinkle her noise. Finally, she regain the confidence to get up the stage and grab the mike. Drew cleared her throat and her voice echoed across the dim room. Everyone turned their heads and Drew's stomach made a flip.

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