Andy Dear

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A couple days later...
Reader's POV
I was in the living room watching 'Blackfish' and everyone was gone, except for Andy. He had gotten into a fight with Juliet the previous night. He sat down and stared to talk about Juliet, "She never really liked me, you know?", he said.
"Yeah, I completely understand,"
"You do?", he said and realized he wasn't alone. I nodded and he grinned so widely,"Usually my boyfriends are completely jerks and stuck-up pieces of garbage," I said changing the movie.
"My girlfriend are cute and sweet in the beginning, but then they get all crazy and jealous,"
"I thought I wouldn't have met anyone that was beautiful on both the inside and outside, but then I met him,"
"That's my one love related goal in life," he said hesitant. I hugged him and said,"You will and she will be completely amazing!"
"Wow you really know how to lift spirits," he said and I let go. I laid back,"I'm bored, Andy!",I said
"Well, let's go somewhere,"
"Okay, just let me change," I said excited. I rushed to the room and picked out some denim shorts and a black sweater. He grabbed his hand and pulled him out the door. We got in his white car and began heading toward the downtown area. "Where to, miss (Y/N)," he asked
"Well, what do you want to do?"
"Ice cream and just walk around,"
"Sound good, Andy," I said. We parked a couple blocks down from the ice cream shop. Once we began to walk away from the car he began to hum a Black Veil Brides song. "Whatcha hummin' there, Andy boy?" I asked in a childish tone.
"Well, it's 'Rebel Love Song',"
"Ooh fun, but why that one?"
"Well I like it a lot,"
"I see," I said smirking at him. He finally got to the shop. There was such a long line and when we finally got up to the counter they were out of our flavors. "Our luck," I scoffed.
"Don't worry (y/n),I have an idea," he led me out the door. We got back into the car and he drove to the nearest target. "What might we be doing here, Andy?", I asked.
"You'll see," he said with a smirk. He took me to the ice cream aisle. "Take what you want," he said.
"Mhmm," he hummed. I smiled and got 2 pints of Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough Ice Cream and he got 2 pints of Blue Bell Vanilla Ice Cream. After that we headed home. We pulled in the driveway to Ronnie's house. When we got in Andy put on a movie. I was really hoping it wasn't a horror movie, but know Andy there was a high chance it was going to be a horror movie. He put on 'The Babadook'. I was absolutely terrified of that movie. I never had done really well with horror movies. Andy sat down on the couch with his ice cream and I sat close to him because I'm an easily scared person.
About 50 minutes into the movie, I was curled up in a ball, clenching Andy's arm. I was surprised he wasn't scared.
Andy's Point Of View
I wasn't even paying attention to the movie. I couldn't understand why I couldn't find a girl like (y/n). She's beautiful, amazing, smart, and funny. I adored her, but I shouldn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2017 ⏰

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