Questions asked by SarahSprinkles

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Who was ur fav. teacher ever?- probably my fifth grade teacher, Mr. Porter. He's awesome! Comment if u knew Mr. Porter

Jeans or shorts?- it depends on the type of weather. If it's winter, I wear jeans, but in summer, I wear shorts

Caterpillars or ladybugs?- this is a hard one! I'd have to go with caterpillars, because they are SOOOOO cute!

Red or blue?- blue, because I just like it more. Plus, red reminds me of blood, and I don't like blood

What's ur fav. cereal?- probably lucky charms, because it is sugary. But my dad won't let me eat sugary cereals😢

Who's ur fav. superhero? Either Donnie from tmnt, the Green Arrow from Arrow, or The Flash from The Flash. And don't tell me that the teenage mutant ninja turtles aren't superheros, because they are!!!

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