yet more questions by SarahSprinkles

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A youtuber I recommend: Jessii Vee! Plz go watch her videos, she does storytimes about everything going on in her crazy life, and occasionally a Q&A video, or challenge video

A song u recommend: well, idk what kind of music you guys are into, so I'll just recommend songs for different genres of music
Alternative: Panic Station by Muse (my fav!)
Metal: Bat Country by Avenged Sevenfold
Rock: Love Gun by Kiss
Pop: Shake It Off by Taylor Swift (idc if that's old, I don't really listen to much pop anymore!)
Country: how should I know? I don't listen to country! Sry to all you country fans out there!

Who's your celebrity crush?- *sigh* fine, I guess I could tell you, as long as you don't tell another living soul! Ok so, my celebrity crush would probably be Jared Padalecki, the actor who plays Sam in supernatural. Why, you ask? Because he's tall, handsome, and  frickin AWESOME!!!

What do you think of me?- since you're one of my real life friends, I can answer that. I think of you as a shy introvert around strangers, but a crazy lunatic around your friends :3

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