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I'm gonna start this off by saying

There was a fire at my school. We had to sit outside in the cold and missed half of first period, but we still gotta go to class


Anyways, I was tagged/challenged by x_Bendy_x to do this, so here we go

[A] 1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣4️⃣ Age- 15

[B] 😨 Biggest Fear- spiders/high places/falling from high places

[C] 🕛 Current Time- 11:05 PM

[D] 🍸 Drink You Had Last- probs water

[E] 😌 Easiest Person To Talk To- x_Bendy_x

[F] 🎥 Favorite Movie- The Nightmare Before Christmas

[G] 🤮 Grossest Memory- throwing up on the bus in 5th or 6th grade

[H] 🏠 Hometown- uhhhhh...don't think I should give that away...

[I] 💕 In Love With- chocolate 🍫 (I know, I'm pathetic)

[J] 😡 Jealous Of- everyone in a relationship

[K] 🔪 Killed Someone- nope

[L] 🔐 Longest Relationship- a month or two? Can't remember

[M] ☝️ Middle Name- Elizabeth

[N] 🚼 Number of Siblings- uno

[O] 💫 One Wish- I wish I had a boyfriend XD

[P] 📞 Person Who You Last Called- my mom

[Q] ❓ Question You're Always Asked- "What happened to your hand?" (Regarding my eczema)

[R] 😊 Reason To Smile- coming home from school

[S] 🎶 Song Last Sang- I Am Machine

[T] 💤 Time You Woke Up- 6 AM

[U] 😶 Underwear Color- um...white and blue stripes...

[V] 🌴 Vacation Destination- DISNEYWORLD!

[W] 😣 Worst Habit- picking at my eczema

[X] 💀 XRays You've Had- idk

[Y] 🍴 Your Favorite Food- pizza or fettuccine Alfredo

[Z] ♑️ Zodiac Sign- Capricorn

Challenge up to 5 or more people:


Sorry for posting this so late! I wanted to do it earlier but got caught up with other things. Also, you don't have to do this if you don't want to, vice versa. I had lots of fun. Anyway, have a great night, and bye for now! ❤️

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