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"I'm really pissed off by that Mary right now! Argh! I really hate that girl!" Juvia said angrily as her girl friends calm her down.

"Calm down Juvia..." Lucy said.

"How could i even calm down if she keeps on pestering me and Gray?!" Juvia said angrily.

"Can you please tell us what really happened?" Mira asked


Juvia and Gray was eating lunch together and chatting, laughing. Their happy lunch was stopped when Mary came and ruin their lunch.

"Hey gray! Mind if i join you?" Mary said while smiling.

"Um..actually i'm with---" Gray was cut off.

"Oh how nice of you Gray. Thank you!" Mary said then hugged Gray like Juvia wasn't there.

She sat down beside Gray while smiling. Juvia frowned.

Damn this bitch. Didn't she noticed that i'm here or she'a doing this on purpose? Juvia angrily thought.

*ehem* Juvia get their attention.

Mary looked at her.

"Oh my. Juvia you're here! I didn't noticed. Sorry..." Mary said while smiling.

Juvia just rolled her eyes on Mary. Gray was feeling irritated by now because of Mary.

"Hey Gray, how are you?" Mary asked while smiling.

Gray didn't mind her. Instead he grabbed Juvia'd hand and they walked away. They left Mary there, dumbfounded. Mary balled her fists in angry.

Damn you lockser. Mary thought angrily.

The next one...

Gray and Juvia was walking in the school grounds happily, and they're holding hands. Their happy walk ended when Mary popped of nowhere and "accidentally" spilled her coffee on Juvia. Juvia gasped because the coffee was hot.

"Oh my gosh! Damn it's hot!" Juvia said while wiping her clothes using her handkie and Gray was also helping.

"Oh my gosh! I'm sorry i didn't saw you..." Mary said, acting like she's worried.

"Damn this." Juvia mumbled and walked away.

Gray ran after her and Mary smirked.

The next one...

Gray and Juvia was sitting on a bench, talking. Then Mary butted in again. Juvia was getting pissed off by now.

"Hi Gray!" Mary said and smiled.

"Uh...hey..." Gray said uneasy.

"Can i talk to you for a moment?" Mary asked.

Juvia crossed her arms.

"Sorry i can't." Gray said.

"Oh please?" Mary said flirty.

Gray ignore her and stands up. He was about to grab Juvia's hand when Mary grabbed hia shoulder forcefully and kissed him. Juvia and Gray's eyes widened. Gray pushed Mary off him. Gray wiped his lips using his hand.

"The nerve you have!' Juvia said to Mary.

Juvia slapped Mary and pulled her hair hard. Juvia hit Mary's head on the wall.

"Damn you bitch!" Juvia yelled at her.

"Go to hell!" Juvia said and walked away.

Gray looked at Mary then back to Juvia. Gray sighed and follow Juvia but she was out of sight already. And because of pity he feels for Mary, he carried her to clinic. Juvia saw this and her she became more pissed.

End of Flashback...

"...argh! That bitch! I really hate her!" Juvia said.

Juvia goes home. She opened the door of her house and goes inside. She was still pissed off. Knowing that Mary kissed her Gray-sama. And her Gray-sama helped Mary and bring her to the clinic. Juvia took a long bath. Then after taking a bath, she goes out of the bathroom naked because she left her towel. She was about to get her towel when she saw Gray was sitting on the bed, staring at her. And because Juvia was pissed off, she didn't mind herself naked.

"Why did you help that bitch?" Juvia asked.

"Uh...because....of pity?" Gray said.

"Damn that pity Gray! She kissed you like you don't have a girlfriend then you would still help her?!" Juvia said angrily.

"Sorry okay? You're jealous." Gray said.

"Of course! Who wouldn't?!" Juvia said.

"Hey...don't be mad, okay? I'll make you happy in out little game..." Gray said sexily.

"What do you mean?" Juvia asked.

Gray didn't answered and pushed Juvia on the bed. Juvia blushed.


{A/N: thanks for reading!}


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