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♥Sorry for the wrong grammars and misspelled words.♥

3rd Person's POV...

》》》a week later》》》

Juvia and Gray was holding hands while walking in the mall where they work. They're an OJT's. Juvia was working at Victoria's Secret while Gray was working at a perfume shop called BENCH. Gray was on the third floor while Juvia was in the second floor. They seperated their ways and went to their working areas. Juvia was arranging the perfumes when suddenly, someone asked her.

"Hey miss." A guy said.

"Yes sir? Can I help you?" Juvia asked.

"What do you think my girl would like the most? This blue dress or this pink one?" The guy asked and showed the dress to Juvia.

"Can you please describe your girl, sir?" Juvia asked.

"She's short, has a blue hair, and she is very beautiful." The guy said.

"Oh, i think, the blue one is better for her. But you can take them both and give it to her." Juvia said.

"Okay. Thanks for the help." The guy said.

"No worries sir." Juvia said.

The guy headed to the cashier ans paid for the two dresses. Juvia then goes back to her work.

Gray was getting a little bit irritated. Because Girls keeps on asking him and all.

"Hey boy, what's your name?" A lady said seductively.

"My name is Gray Fullbuster, ma'am." Gray said, not even taking a look to the lady.

"So, are you available?" The lady asked.

"I'm already in a relationship ma'am." Gray said.

"Aww...How lucky she is. Anyways, can i have your number?" The lady asked.

"Sorry ma'am, I can't. It's the shop's policy. So if you'll not buy anything, you're free to leave." Gray said.

The lady frowned and walked away. Gray sighed in frustration and just did his Job. Then Amanda, Gray's workmate, went near him.

"Why are you so frustrated Gray?" Amanda asked.

Gray sighed again and looked at Amanda.

"What is it now, Amanda?" Gray asked.

"I just want to be with you. You know i'm always here for you when you need someone." Amanda said and hugged Gray.

"Geez Amanda. I already have a girlfriend. So please just back off." Gray said.

"Sorry but i will never do that." Amanda said and walked away with a smile.

It was their off time already so Gray decided to go to Juvia. He was about to exit the shop when he saw Juvia coming and smiled at him. All Gray's frustrations went away when he saw Juvia.

"How's your day Gray-sama? You seem a little bit off today. Is there something wrong?" Juvia asked.

"Nothing. It's just from the annoying costumers." Gray answered.

"Okay. Let's go home." Juvia said.

(We'll have some skips here because this will be the last chapter.)

Gray was feeling comfortable with Amanda now. This past few weeks, Juvia and Gray was having just a little bit of time together. While Juvia was very stressed from work, Gray was having a cool time with Amanda, his affair. Juvia doesn't know any of this. And Gray doesn't have any plans on telling about it to Juvia.

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