3. Cake

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I woke up suddenly, because of no real reason I think. So I sat up, rubbed my eyes, and


I jump back in my bed, and I had to recover from almost having a heart attack.

I see my mom, dad, Emily and all of my old best friends from elementary school standing in front of me.

"You guys! You didn't have to do this!" I say in complete surprise. I wasn't expecting this at all.

"Well TOO BAD because we are here now and good luck trying to get rid of us!" One of my friends said.

Then I got up, brushed my teeth, combed my hair, and got dressed.

I put on dark grey leggings, a black tank top with a blue and green flannel (saving the dress for later when the whole family gets here) then my friends put my hair into two Dutch braids.

Once I was ready, I head downstairs to everyone. I missed my friends, it's cool that they're here.

After a breakfast of catching up, and introducing, we decided to spend the day at the mall (courtesy of the birthday money I got from my lovely parents).

We head out, with me driving, blasting the car radio (@ tøp lol) and dancing as best as we can in a small vehicle. I was having a great time.

In the mall we visited basically every store, trying on like everything, and not caring what people thought. It's funny because if I was by myself I would totally not be okay with goofing off like we were, but when I'm with people I love it's like time stops and I feel like I can do anything and I can be myself.

We proceeded to goof off a lot more and have fun for several more hours until we had to head home.

We said our goodbyes as I dropped everyone off (except Emily because she was staying with me).

I was sad to see them go, but I had a great time and I hope I will see them sometime soon.

Emily and I drove back to my house just in time for me to change into my dress and for the rest of my family to get here.


After the greetings, talking, and catching up with my family, it was time for gifts.

I wasn't expecting really anything, so seeing that there were some birthday cards with gift cards and money, it was great.

"Thanks everybody" I say from the couch with Emily and my grandma on either side of me.

"Alright time for cake!" My mom says.

"Oh yay Calum and Luke are here" I whisper into Emily's ear followed by a chuckle.

My mom brings in a chocolate cake with the words 'happy 17th' on it.

"Make a wish!" My mom told me.

I think about my wish for a moment, this is stupid, it will never happen. I think to myself. So I just blow out the candles. My family cheers.

"Thank you for everything guys I love you all" I say.

"The party isn't over yet!" My mom says.


"There is one more thing we have for you Taylor" my dad says.


"It's something we've been trying to do for a while and we got everyone here to pitch in, even Emily, to make this happen I hope you like it!" My mom adds.

Okay what is going on?

My dad then pulls out a little gift bag from behind the chair he was sitting on and hands it to me.

"Open it!" My grandma says from beside me.

I pull out the tissue paper slowly, wondering what could possibly be in it.
I pull out all of the tissue paper and I was staring at an empty bag.

"What the heck? There is nothing in it?" I say.

Everyone in the room is giggling.

"Just keep looking" my mom says with a chuckle.

I keep looking, not knowing for what. But then I see it. A little lift in the bottom of the bag. I grab the uplifted part and I pull out a paper.

When I turn the paper around everything goes silent.

"What is it?" My mom says while recording this moment on her phone.

I have my hand covering my mouth in shock, tears starting to stream down my face while I was shaking.

"I it's ticket. To see 5 seconds of summer" I say in amazement.

It takes me a moment to realize what actually just happened. I am going to see them. In person. I look up from staring at the piece of paper.

"Is this really happening? Is this real?" I mutter.

"Yes and look beside you" my dad says.

I turn and look at Emily who is pulling another ticket out of her pocket.

"I'm going with you!" She squeals.

By now the tears have soaked my face and I hug everyone in the room.

"Thank you so much" I say.

Two months until the concert. Two months. 51 days exactly. Let the countdown begin!

Just a quick little chapter ! It'll get real pretty soon

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