The period - Ruki Mukami x Reader

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You groaned loudly and clutched your stomach while lying on the couch. This pain level wasn't even that bad compared to the pain you normally felt. This was one of the first periods you were experiencing since you started living with the Mukamis.

Happy thoughts, happy thoughts. Yeah, that's right! I still need to bake a fruit cake for Yui-chan. What will I put on it? Maybe some kiwis and, uhm, strawbe-

''Aaaargh. Can you stop already!?'' You exclaimed while staring madly at the floor.

''Who are you talking to, (Y/N)?'' You looked up still clutching your stomach to see Ruki walking into the room with a book in his hand. ''And why the sour look?''

''I'm talking to miss Period. And I can look as sour as I want. Hmpf.'' You turned and tilted your head away stubbornly. Who was he to question you at such a time.

''It is messing up your usually peaceful face.'' He walked and sat on the other end of the couch, staring straight ahead while laying the book beside him. He sighed. ''It must be hard, being a girl and having to deal with these kind of things.''

''You have no idea,'' you muttered while looking at the ground.

''Then, tell me what kind of things help to ease the pain.''

You shifted your surprised gaze to him. ''W-well, it helps when I'm not talking or doing anything active for that matter. It helps when I'm eating sweets, especially chocolate. It also helps when I have something warm against my lower stomach.'' You stopped, thinking your were finished when something else popped into your mind as well. ''Ah! It also helps when I'm focused on something else other then the pain.''

Ruki was quiet for a moment and after twelve seconds or so, he started to speak in a bored tone. ''Why don't you just take a pain killer? There surely are medicines out there that can help ease the pain, no?''

You sighed. ''I almost died when I tried looking for some here in the house because I was standing the whole time. I can not go outside to buy some either because of the pain. And even if I somehow could walk without getting any cramps, I wouldn't want to go. The day is almost over and the second day isn't as bad as the first, so I won't need it.''

He didn't say anything, just walked away. Your cramps kept coming making you groan and curs out loud. You started hearing pans clinking against each other and immediatly knew he was cooking. A lazy smile creeped on your face, taking your mind off of the pain.

What would he make for you? Perhaps he would bake you a cake? C-could he make chocolate? Like, like the store bought chocolate with a variety of nuts and fruit? Your cheeks dusted pink at the thought.

You closed your eyes and focused with all your might at the sounds and smells. Then something hit you, the smell, it wasn't the smell that would emit from baking a cake. This smelt like something spicy. The sounds stopped after he closed the tap and footsteps could be heard nearing you.

You opened your eyes and tried to sit up when he walked into the room. He put the bowl down and sat down himself. After that he picked you up and sat you sideways in his lap. He made sure you were comfortable by placing a pillow behind you so that your back wouldn't start hurting more because of the couch.

He took the bowl and it was only then you saw that he had made soup. ''Thank you, Mukami-san.''

He chuckled quietly. ''Call us by our first names in order for us not to become confused. And you don't need the honorifics, alright?''

Why was he so gentle towards you? Did you do something special for him to act like this? ''Mhm.''

He handed you the bowl and you started eating the soup he made for you. He watched your first spoon carefully, observing your reaction.

As soon as the liquid touched your taste buds you couldn't help but be a bit surprised. ''I thought it would be a bit spicy, but this is the complete opposite. It's mild actually.''

He looked at you as you ressumed to take more spoons of the liquid goodness. ''Tell me if you like it or not.''

You nodded your head without pausing causing a little smile to come on his face. He couldn't help but admire you, even if it was at this stage. Even when your face is scrunched up in pain and your groaning, he couldn't help but find you beautiful. Especially now, when he knew that the soup he made was making you feel at ease and happy, and your cheeks were flushed.

As soon as you were finished he took the bowl and put it down. He took the book that he had previously laid down next to him and turned you on his lap, so that you were sitting with your back against his front. He opened the book on your lap and started reading to you with a hushed voice, since it wasn't needed, for his mouth was close to your ear anyway.

You relaxed once more and put your head back against the crook of his neck. How you wished this moment would last just a bit longer than it was intended to. So peacefull, so comfortable, with the person you liked.

You wondered if he knew. Did Ruki knew that you, (Y/N), a normal human being, liked him? Who were you kidding, of course he knew. After all, he must have been able to sense your loud heart beat.

You were relaxed sitting on his lap and at peace. The day was almost over and you started to get drowsy. Could you let yourself fall asleep without worrying?

''Ruki,'' you interrupted him, ''if I were to fall asleep right this moment, would you...'' You trailed off, exhausted. ''Would you suck me dry?''

''No, I would not.''

You smiled at his words. You closed your eyes, ready to be taken to your dreams. ''And if I were to fall in love with you?''

''Then I would make you mine. Because, you see (Y/N), I have already fallen in love with you.''

You smiled again, but this one stayed on as you fell asleep.


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