Scenario! The Pocky Challenge (1)

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This is my first scenario, have mercy. Part two of the pocky challenge will have the Mukami and Tsukinami brothers. And also, I won't be able to post for the coming two to three weeks, I have an exam week coming up and then right after I am going on exhange to Italy. Sorry!

Don't forget to vote and comment ^^



Reiji sat in the chair, staring into space, while Laito, Ayato and Subaru charged around the living room yelling at the top of their voices. Just as you entered the room, with Shu trailing behind you, Laito was being chased by Ayato and Subaru and bumped right into you, causing you to fall flat on your behind and drop the little white plastic bag with your newly bought goodies.

Shu sighed and walked around you to his, what he called, comfy couch.

''You guys make me follow her to the grocery store to make sure she doesn't run away and then greet me with this. Damn you,'' he said as he lay down.

''Laito shouldn't have threatened me by saying he'll throw my takoyaki pan away.''

Laito chuckled, ''Then you shouldn't have taken my fedora off with your oily takoyaki fingers, hmm?''

''Oi!'' Just as Ayato was beginning to charge towards Laito once again, you spoke up.

''What was Subaru's reason for charging at Laito?''

''He took my knife stating he would cut off Ayato's oily fingers.''

You strained your neck to look at Reiji. ''And what happened to him?''

Just then Kanato, who was quietly observing from the side lines, spoke up, ''He gave up on disciplining those three. Teddy thinks that he is contemplating his existence right this moment.''

''Tsk, he should stop being such a pus-''

Before Ayato could finish his sentence, Laito threw Subaru's knife back at him and grabbed your arm. You knew what he was going to do, so you quickly grabbed ahold of your plastic bag, right before Laito teleported both of you out of that room and into yours.

You walked towards your bed and sat down on it as if you didn't just move from one place to another in less then a second. While you looked into your bag, Laito asked what you had bought.

''Just some snacks, including (F/F) Pocky.'' Laito gasped.

''Wanna play?'' both of you asked at the same time as you pulled the package out.

He took the package from you, pulled a (F/F) covered stick out and bit on the very end. He neared you to the point where you were holding yourself up by your elbows and he was resting his hands on either side of your head with one of his knees on the bed.

You took the other side of the Pocky stick in your mouth. The moment you gave a nod both of you started devouring the fragile stick and as your lips touched, he weaved his fingers of his right hand through your hair while his other hand circled your waist. Your hands went up to his hair causing his fedora to fall off.

You broke the kiss to ask, what was for you an important question. ''Hadn't Ayato taken off your fedora?''

Laito smirked, ''I guess I was too fast for you to see me grabbing it before bringing us to your room. That's, by the way, not the only thing I'm very fast in.''


His hiding place had been discovered, what on earth was he going to do now?

''O-Oi, don't just stand there as if your a statue or something.''

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