Regret - Ruki Mukami x Reader

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Guys, it's finally friday... I'm so exhausted hnnnnnn. I wanted to get this one shot out before lazyness kicks in and I won't post for a few weeks (which is a looong time I KNOW).

And what I also know is that I haven't posted one shots for Azusa and Subaru's birthday. I don't have any ideas for there one shot yet and I didn't want to publish a meaningless chapter ( no offense to the ones that actually do that ). But I obviously will start writing them when I have inspiration and am not lazy ^^

I got teary eyed while writing this so I hope you guys enjoy this one as much as I did writing it! {sorry for any grammatical errors}

Vote & Request ;)

(F/H/N) = future husband name
(E/F/H/N) = ex future husband name


''At this time I'll ask you, (F/H/N), and you, (Y/N), to face each other and take each other's hand,'' the priest said.

This was it. You were getting married. You had never thought you would find someone to marry after splitting with your ex - fiance. But your father proved you wrong. He went around and asked everyone, went and met a lot of people. All to find you someone.

Was he that desperate to get rid of you? Or was he truly just trying to make you happy? Hadn't he understood you as you told him countless of times that, 'Dad, stop trying so hard, please. I'm still recovering. I had loved him deeply and even though he broke me, I can't help but to still love and care for him deeply. Marrying me to someone else will not help me move on. So please, let me deal with my emotions before searching for a life-long partner for me.''

He had not understood you. Even though every time he had nodded, he did that without really listening. He had never listened to your words. Only actions moved him. But what more could you have done in that broken state?

Your dad had found you a man, around your age, seemingly perfect. He had a full head of thick and healthy hair that seemed to sit right, always. His eyes, that always paid attention to you, were like emerald, but even more vibrante. His pearly white teeth, lighting up his face when he smiled at you. His body, as if it was carved by the gods, would be yours if you only say 'I will' on your wedding day. Even the man's personality was everything you ever wanted your significant other to have.

Your father had caught the best fish that was out there, the perfect man for any woman. Then why was it that you did not feel satisfied?

Why was it that you kept thinking of the blue haired male that had stealed your heart before and that was sitting right there between the crowd, in your field of vision. Why did he have a regretful look on his face? Why did he look dissatisfied, sad, angry even?

Why did he look at you with longing?

And you, why couldn't you stop glancing every now and then at him? You were supposed to be done with him and start a new life with the male in front of you.

You looked at your soon to be husband. You two hadn't even made memories yet. You didn't even know each other. How could you and your dad possibly know that he isn't abusive? He very well may be.

Was it even possible to love him and cherish him like you loved and cherished Ruki? Was it possible to have all those peaceful moments together where you were cuddled up together enjoying books;

Where you told him your dreams, how ridiculous they may have sounded, and he supported you fully and cheered you on, knowing that if it was you striving for those dreams they would become reality;

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