Caught (part 2) - Yandere!Kou Mukami x Sad!Reader

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You hurried towards the supermarket Kou had proposed to meet up. It was currently 4 o'clock, meaning you had woken up way earlier then usual, since your night and day were reversed.
You wondered what the blonde had prepared for the day, after all, he only had yesterday after school to plan things.

Just as you neared the -now lit up- sign of the shop, you halted before him. While catching your breath you spoke up,

''I'm sorry, Kou.. I..''

''You don't really have an excuse, do you? You're just late because you naturally are.''

You looked at him after finally being able to breath normally, and smiled apologetically.


''Let's go,'' Kou said as he grabbed your hand and dragged you inside the shop.

He brought you straight up to the sweets section. ''Choose.''

You didn't hesitate as you asked, ''How much?''

''Ten in total. And I'll be eating with you so choose ones that come in big packs.''

He actually wasn't going to eat that much. He just wanted you to eat as much as possible. But wouldn't you break down after getting home? You would definitly start hating and scolding yourself again. But that was actually his goal. That way, he could be there for you the moment you needed to be loved. That way he would be there for you at the perfect time and he would be the one you would always think about and need.

He wanted you to need him as much as a human needed air, as flora needed carbon dioxide, as the earth needed the sun and the moon, just as he needed you.

That was his priority, but he, of course, also wanted you to get some much needed vitamins in your body.

His train of thoughts were halted as he heard you say his name raising your voice while you stood in front of him with your head tilted up to his. He found the look on your face simply adorable, your eyes a bit wide as concern for him showed through. His lips formed a soft smile as he tried very hard to contain his desire to hold you close to him. He was afraid it would scare you away.

Not that he would let you go even if that happened.

''Are you okay? Kou? Why are you smiling?'' You couldn't help but smile back. His eyes were looking at you so lovingly, but you didn't find it odd. You wondered why.

He sighed as he looked towards anything but your face, and if you stood close enough, a subtle blush could be spotted on the top part of his cheeks.


He looked back at you. ''I hope you were talking about yourself, Neko-chan,'' he said still having that smile on his face as he took the basket of your choice of sweets and walked towards the cash desk.

''You said that out loud, stupid,'' you scolded yourself and hobbled after Kou.

After paying for the food, he gave you the plastic bag and told you to wait outside a bit, saying that he wanted to have a chat with the cashier. Something about him being an ol' friend.


Of course not.

Kou had a dangerous glint in his eyes as he stared at the man wearing a dark blue uniform.

''In case you haven't noticed, twat, the girl you just looked at is mine.''

The guy sweat-dropped and smiled apologetically, ''No need to get so worked up over it, man, hahah.. I'm sorry alright?''

''Tch. Wipe that smile off your face, fucklet.''

''Y-yes. But you're the same as me, right? C'mon, when we see pretty girls we'll go after them, that's our nat-''

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