Caught (part 1) - Yandere!Kou Mukami x Sad!Reader

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You felt horrible. You felt bad. You felt anything but fine. You felt not good enough, fat. Insecure and sad.

And it all started since you turned twelve.

You never really had problems like these. You just went to school, had fun, since at that time you didn't receive any homework and your teacher wasn't the most serious person, and came home. Only to go outside to play with your friends.

This was your everyday cycle, nothing too bothersome.

You were also the fastest runner out of everyone. Even the boys. You could feel the adrenaline coursing through your veins every time you sprinted past them, feeling like Sonic.

You even participated with cross-fit for two years, one of the hardest things ever. You felt like dying and giving up every time you went out and got running. You didn't though, you had the most toughest of natures.

That was your motto for a loooong time. 'Do not give up, no matter what.'

Even that had changed.

You also fell in love once. And you didn't ask for it, heck, you didn't even want it.
It started out as a crush that was barely there, you thought about telling it to your friends. Since you trusted them.
But no, they had to go and tell more people, breaking your trust. And the weird thing? Still, to this day, you trust way too easily, again and again.

Those people were the reason for the beginning of your first and worst relationship.

He had taken your first kiss, making you feel as if you were a disappointment.
But you didn't even wanted to do that. It was all against your will. Your 'friends' had pushed both of you to it. That was also how you fell 'in love' with him. You were overly happy everyday.

Until you parted ways going to different schools.

He didn't want to understand the fact that you had tons of homework. How could he? He didn't receive any. And the fact that he kept asking you to go outside in the evening... why couldn't he understand?

So, you ended it.

And it was the best thing you had done for yourself.

The years after this you started developing anxiety and an eating disorder.

You saw pictures of your chubby self from when you were little and it had a great impact on you. You started looking in the mirror every day before you dressed yourself. You started eating extremely healthy and worked out. But of course you worked out in periods, you could never hold out doing it the whole year straight.

You also wanted to drastically change the way you clothed yourself. You always wore a T, jeans and sneakers. You needed to be more girly.

You also saw your ex everyday on your way to school, resulting in you always being aware of other people and what they thought about you.

It was starting to get bad.

And then slowly but surely, loneliness started seeping in.

You had a lot of friends, alright, but they didn't give you what you needed. But what did you need exactly?

You wanted someone to hold you at your worst days, to whisper soothing words to you whenever you started getting crazy about yourself again. To love you, and make you feel good about yourself.

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