Unanswered phone calls - Ayato Sakamaki x Reader

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2000 words, guys. I hope you enjoy the chapter and don't forget to vote and comment! Please request ☆〜(ゝ。

You had enough.

You didn't had the energy to continue.

Your heart couldn't handle what your eyes were seeing. How could he? How could your boyfriend drink another female's blood, right in front of everyone.

Someone else might not think much of it, after all, he was a vampire and he needed blood. But it was different for you. He promised you, didn't he? He promised that he was fully yours as you were fully his.
Or as he sometimes implied it, you were Ore-sama's property.

Then why was he breaking his own promise? If he was truly yours then you could say to him what he can and can't do, right? So thats what you had done the moment he made that promise. You told him that if he needed blood or anything else he should come to you.

Drinking blood was in your eyes the same as kissing someone.

It's intimate, the sucking mouth sounds you hear.

But this wasn't the first time you've seen him do it. Oh boy, how many times he has broken his promise. You've had enough.

You wanted royalty in your relationship and this... This bullpoop wasn't doing it for you. You only felt hurt, again and again.

Your heart clenched as you kept staring at the sight of him biting and licking the side of her neck. Everyone beside you was either taking pictures or making kissing sounds. Girls and boys were looking with jealousy in their eyes at the pair, standing in the middle of the long school hall.

You shook your head and this energy filled you. Your heart was breaking a bit more and your head was telling you to leave.

Leave him.

He deserves it.

You're a fool if you stay with him, even after seeing this.

Before you knew it your legs were bringing you away from this hell you called school. Tears formed in your eyes as you ran but you didn't let them fall. Not yet.

You ran and ran until you finally came to the woods close to the school. You slowed down to a walk and finally stopped moving altogether. You just stood there, unmoving, unwilling to do anything.

You were still contemplating on what to do. Your heart was clenching and unclenching. Your lungs burned and begged for more oxygen, more.

Just as Ayato begged more of her blood, more.

You snorted. You weren't some weak girl, your skin was thick. Even though his actions were almost trough, you are still in one piece.

And you were going to part from him before you lost yourself completely.

What love can do to a person.

You finally let the tears fall after making the decision.

"Damn it." You started quietly sobbing. "Damn it," your voice broke.

You continued walking to the Sakamaki mansion. Because you and Ayato were supposed to be fully committed to each other he wanted, no, ordered you to live with him in the mansion in order for him to be able to protect you.

"Way to go, you fool," you whispered.

After walking and occasionally bumping and cursing at trees you finally reached the mansion. Of course all the lights were out, nobody was there. But what about the man that took your luggage for you when you first arrived? Where did he stay?

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