History and Geography

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This part's about separating the fact from fiction in history and geography.

All the places(roads,buildings,locations etc) mentioned in this book are real.

Ashoka: Emperor Ashoka was a real person. He ruled almost all of the Indian Subcontinent from 268 to 232 BCE. But he never had any premonition predicting the 'Third Antichrist' or whatever, that part was just for the plot. He was against war and violence after the Great War of Kalinga which you search online. There isn't much interesting to say about him other than...

The Nine: Oh yeah! They're real! (probably) During the British Raj, The Nine Unknown Men were mentioned in Talbot Mundy's Novel titled the same. Although, much of what is known is mere speculation. No one knows if they're still operating to this date. 

Nostradamus: Yeah, Nostradamus was a REAL person who actually predicted future events like 9/11, Great Fire of London, World Wars and the Rise of Hitler. His prophecies on World War Three and the Third Antichrist are true along with:

1)Humans will talk to animals

2)Zombie Invasion (Yikes!)

3)Time Travel Experiment will go terribly wrong.

4)Some random nonsense about nine circles which no one has been able to decipher till date.

Saint Stephen's Cathedral: Yes, this cathedral is one of the main attractions of Vienna. It has several catacombs and underground bunkers.

So...yeah. That's pretty much it for Deep Down Under. The sequel has been released and I'll start writing once I get time.

I hope you all liked(loved) my book. I started it off with a quote; so, why not end it with one?

"If you're going through Hell, keep going."                                                                                                                                -Winston Churchill

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