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The full moon was high in the cloudless sky. A brown munchkin cat with a blond stomach rounded a street corner and looked with wide brown eyes side to side. It was a warm night out and the cat had a mission. Well, it was his mission every time he came around here. His mission was to get food, simple enough really.

The cat makes his way down the crowded downtown streets and towards the direction of the store he visits every time. He purrs slightly as he trots along when people look at him and point - he's a cute cat, he knows. He weaves through the legs of people as his stomach growls, he was getting hungrier.

The cat starts running with joy and anticipation as he sees his food haven at the end of the street - he had forgotten exactly how it was. He sits by the door until someone would come and open it. He sat purring to himself and waving his tail around.

The cat's eyes widened slightly as a man was coming to the store, well it was more of a cafe for cats. The man smiled down at the cat and opened the door for him, standing to the side.

"Here ya go big cat." The man says with a sleepy grin - as it was later in the night. The cat nods his head slightly and slithers in, pressing his stomach to the floor. The man continues to smile as he watches the cat and goes inside after.

The cat wanders around the cafe, gazing in admiration to the other cats and toys everywhere. The cat hears something behind him and turns his head around, he sees the man following him around with an amused look on his face. The cat tilts his head to the side, but doesn't see where his going to he runs into another cat. The man laughs.

"get the fuck away you fucking fuck fuck fuck" the white Persian cat that he ran into meows. The Persian shakes his head and trots off to the kitty tower. The cat watches him reach his destination before continuing on his way, now deciding to go to the kitchen.

He sits by the kitchen door, waiting for someone to open it up and notice him. He watches the man that has taken a seat from the table around two away. The man pulls out his phone and begins to fiddle with it, every once in a while looking up and looking at the cat.

The cat watches the way the man's hair flies and flops as he moves his head. The cat watches the other cats, including the white Persian from before. But it looks like the cats are having a fight at the top of the cat tower - the place with a bunch of cubbies and places to scratch. The cat can hear the meows of the others from where is sitting, across the room.

"I got to this fucking shitty place first so you best better fucking believe that your ass will be leaving!"

"I don't give a damn about where my fucking ass will go. I think it shall stay here!"

And so on.

Suddenly, the kitchen door opened and one of the cats favorite waiters came out, Barry. Barry looks around and sees the cat sitting there next to the door, looking expediently up at Barry with wide, pleading eyes.

Barry chuckles slightly. "I'll be right back." And he walks back into the kitchen. The cat decides he needs a table to sit so he jumps up on the seat across from the man, who is currently looking at his phone. The cat readies himself and leaps to the table. He sits at the very edge and swings his tail about once more.

The man looks up with his head leaning on his hand - which is propped up on the table - and sees the cat and smiles before returning to his phone. The cat's sides of his mouth turn upwards and he once again looks around the cafe, studying the other cats (as because there no other people than the one man).

It wasn't much longer until Barry came out with a plate of some wet cat food and biscuits in the shape of cats - luckily cats didn't know what cannibalism was. With a smile, Barry set the plate down and rubbed the cat for a few seconds before checking up on the other cats.

The cat smiled and began eating - starting with the wet food first. The cat hears something and look up to see the man at the table talking to Barry.

"What's this cat's name?" The man asks, pointing a slim finger towards the eating cat.

Barry looks at the cat and smiles before returning his gaze back to the man. "Actually I don't know. He comes in about once a month and i feed him and he goes on his merry way. Always comes at night though and I don't know where he goes after this place."

The man nods, looking deep in thought. "This place is cool. Never seen it before."

Barry looks around in admiration and proudness at the cafe around. "Yeah it's a cool place. I help own it, I'm like a co-owner? I don't know what, but do you want me to get the owner?"

The man nods again. "Yeah, it would be nice to get to know him." The man sticks his hand out with a wide grin. "Your name was Barry?"

Barry nods and takes the man's hand. "And yours?"

"Dan." The man says, releasing their hands after shake. "And thank you."

Barry nods and goes into the kitchen to retrieve the owner. The man, now known as Dan, reaches across the table to pet the cat.

"I'll just call you Big Cat for now." The cat purrs against his hand and begins eating his food again. He has begun eating the biscuits.

Barry returns from the kitchen with another one of the cat's favorite waiters, Ross. Ross has his famous smirk on his face that suggests he knows some thing you don't and his head held high like he owns the place, which he does. And while the other waiters are in uniform (A blue shirt, brown pants, and a brown apron that had various clip art cat faces at random on it), Ross was in casual clothes. He even had sunglasses on top of his head.

"What's up?" Ross says, taking the seat at the table with Dan. He props his feet up next to the place the cat is eating. The cat stops eating with wide eyes to watch what is going on.

"I was just looking at how beautiful this place is. Where do you get all these cats?" Dan asks, tilting his head to the side. Barry hurries over to the cats on top of the tower that he has just noticed were fighting.

Ross barks out a laugh and throws back his head, even though nothing was actually funny - this causes his sunglasses to fall on the floor, he doesn't do anything to pick them up. A curious siamese cat comes over and paws at it. "All these cats I either found them on the street and had to do the noble thing of picking them and bring them here, or," he pauses for dramatic effect and he leans forward. "they wandered in." Ross shrugs and returns to his previous position.

A beep emits and Ross looks down to check his watch. "Oops, it's closing time. Talk to some other time?"

Dan nods. "Sure." He stands up and puts his phone in his pocket. The cat takes it as his time to leave as well. The cat jumps off the table as the men exchange their goodbyes and weaves through the various objects to the door.

As he's going, the white Persian cat from before matches his walk. "finally fucking leaving you fat kitten fucker." The Persian then just walks away.

The cat shrugs and continues to the door, he didn't get why cats swear so much. He looks behind him in curiosity and sees Dan following him. The cat makes his way through several streets and to the ally he usually sleeps in until morning. He had just laid down and closed his eyes when he feels himself being picked up. He bolts open his eyes and begins to frantically flailing around.

He feels some rubs on the top of his head calms down. "Hey Big Cat, I'm bringing you to my house." Dan says, walking back out of the ally. The cat's eyes widen.

Arin ,the cat, knows that he had just royally fucked up.

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