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This time Arin did fall to the ground, he quickly picked pulled himself up with assistance from the wall.

"What?" That was the only word Arin managed to croak out.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Dan says patiently. He knew that Arin would have a reaction but wasn't suspecting this.

"Why?" Why would Dan want to be the boyfriend of some freak that's not even cool enough to be a werewolf. He experiences terrible pain just to become a cat.

"Well you're cute," Dan looked down and fumbled with his fingers. "And you're funny and -"

Arin cut Dan off. "Okay I get it, but I'm a freak that turns into a cat every full moon."

Dan looks up and shakes his head. "You're not a freak. It is a little weird. But a little weird never hurt anybody." Dan took a few steps and was standing in front of Arin. Dan grabbed Arin's hands in his own. "Be my boyfriend?"

Arin nods slowly, before gaining some confidence in his answer and nodded faster. "Yes."

five days later

Arin was still very sore but didn't show it while he held hands with Dan at midnight at the local park. Dan tapped Arin on the shoulder. Arin raised an eyebrow to him in question.

"How are you liking our first date?"

Arin nodded. "It's good, but why does it have to be at midnight?"

Dan shrugged. "Why the fuck not? At least there's no creepy people that watch gay couples."

Arin laughed. "How do you know that? You've been gay for like, a week."

They walked up to a very big tree and lied under it. They looked up at the stars and Arin pointed some constellations out.

"What do you think our future is like?" Dan knew it was early to be asking this sort of question - it was their first date. But Dan couldn't help and worry. Did he want to spend the rest of his life with Arin? Dan doesn't know much about Arin so he can't really answer that question, but in a relationship you either marry the person or dump them and Dan didn't want to dump Arin. So that left one choice, but did Dan want to marry Arin? Dan didn't know.

"Well, I don't know." Arin confessed and turned to face towards Dan. "But I'm willing to discover what's going to happen within someone, will you be that someone?"

Dan didn't look at Arin, he couldn't. Those eyes of his would penetrate him, digging and grabbing every secret he thought was his.

"I don't know." Dan breathes out. "I'm willing to try." He closes his eyes. Dan has never been in a very serious relationship before, already talking about the future. It was scary but with Arin by his side it wasn't as scary.

Arin let out a breath. "It is only our first date. We should be worrying where we go for our second date instead."

Dan waved his hand. "Naw, I got that covered. I thought we could go to an amusement park."

Arin's eyes widened. "Really? That sounds fun."

Dan nods and they both return to their thoughts. They are left in a silence. Dan feels it isn't very awkward, but you could still feel some there. Dan turned on his side and leaned his head on is arm. He watched Arin study the stars with a content smile on his face.

"Hey Arin, could I ask you to do something?"

Arin mirrored Dan's position and hummed in response.

"Can you kiss me?"

Arin's head jolts back slightly in reaction before he chuckles. His chuckle is all deep and giggly and makes Dan's head go all fuzzy. "What kind of question is that? Come here, you big doofus." Arin took the hand he was leaning on and put it behind Dan's head. He guided Dan's head closer to his own.

Dan's eyes watched Arin's lips until they were about to make contact, in which they fluttered closed. Arin closed his own eyes and they made contact. For a few long moments they stained still, unaware of what to do next. Arin then started to move his lips. Carefully and slowly so he has time to decide on what to do next. Dan's lips started to move with Arin's, Dan not thinking and just letting his heart do what it wants.

Dan's hand he was leaning on snaked around and found itself in Arin's hair. He gently pulled on his hair.

They separate for a breath and study each other's faces. Their faces are both flushed and their lips are a little swollen.


Arin laughed loudly and pushed over Dan so he was laying in his back. Arin climbed over him and their lips met again.

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