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some time later

"You shouldn't be here."

Dan shrugged as he draped his legs over the arm of the couch, twirling a pencil around in his fingers.

"I don't want you to see me like this."

Dan put down the pencil and looked Arin in the eyes with a look of seriousness that didn't visit often. "Arin, honey, love, we are getting married tomorrow, I think it's time."

Arin looked out the window to the bright yellow full moon outside and fidgeted nervously. "I don't want you to see me like this.", Arin repeats.

Dan adjusted himself so he was sitting right on the couch. "I'm not leaving and don't care how you will look."

Arin opens his mouth to retort but finds the familiar feeling that comforting and sickening at the same time. Arin leans against the wall next to the window. He wills himself not to transform for as long as he can. "Please... Go."

Dan doesn't respond or Arin doesn't hear as his body gets swallowed in pain. As Arin got older, his transformations got worst. Arin didn't know how long his life expectancy was, one more transformation might be too much. Arin could feel his body and organs all get smaller and his nails elongate with claws. He feels a tail sprouting from his lower back, growing at a rapid pace, and every hair growing. Arin could feel his bones change shape and other fancy things.

Arin laid panting next to the wall as Dan watched silently.

The night continued normally, Arin doing whatever he wants around the house. Except, this time Dan wasn't playing around with Arin, Dan had shut himself in the bedroom. Arin felt like this was his fault, that he should have insisted that Dan would leave and he wouldn't have to see Arin in such pain.

Arin's body was a little stiff as a cat but knew it would be hell when he transformed back.

Soon it was morning and Arin transformed back into a human on the bathroom floor. He tried to get up from the floor but then noticed that the floor was very comfortable.


"Arin! Wake up!"

Arin's eyes snap open and he jolts into a sitting position, his head spinning from sitting up so fast. "What's wrong?" He looks around and sees Ross to his right, kneeled down next to Arin on the bathroom floor.

"It's time to get ready."

Arin has the sudden realization that he will married today and he is still laying on his bathroom floor. He hastily pushes himself up, ignoring the pain in his legs, arms, chest, and head. Arin pushes himself to his bedroom .

"Dan went to Barry's to get ready." Ross says, trailing behind Arin and not bothering to help, answering the unspoken question in Arin's head.

They arrive in Arin and Danny's bedroom and Arin's tux in lying on the bed. Ross helps Arin into his and then Ross changes into his own. They fix their hair and then make their way to the wedding - only just leaving in time because Ross let Arin oversleep.

Arin rushes over to their spot on the beach and can see everyone seated already. Danny was standing next to the priest, his suit and tie making Arin weak in the knees. Arin's head was pounding and his limbs ached, his aching chest not helping with his thumping heart. Ross gave Arin a reassuring nod and they went to their places to walk out.

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