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one month later

Arin was sitting under the moon light, all the stars gone from the sky. Arin was sitting in the familiar ally after a short visit to the cafe. Dan wasn't there so he left. Arin was laying contently in the warm night, thinking, as he often did during the full moon.

Last month, after the prank, he cleaned it up and laughed it off with Dan and Barry. Arin and Barry have started to become friends. Arin and Dan continued to grow their friendship, they were together a total of six days in the last month, they even had a sleepover with Barry.

But Arin has realized that whenever he is with Dan he gets a feeling, a feeling in his stomach, similar to the beginning of a transformation. However, it was a nicer feeling. A feeling that gave him goose bumps, warmness, and that he was about to throw up all at the same time. He couldn't get enough of it, but Arin hates himself for it. He continues to be friends with Dan but hasn't told him that Arin is a werewolf thing.

Arin jerks his head up suddenly and notices that Dan has sat in the ally floor next to him. Dan reaches out and begins to rub Arin's head. "Thought I'd find you here, Big Cat."

Even now, as a cat, Arin gets the feeling of happiness with Dan. A certain warmness washes over him and feels like he's going to throw up in worry that's he's going to say the wrong thing. The worry goes away when he remembers he is a cat and cannot speak.

"Can I talk to ya Big Cat?" Dan asks quietly, despite that he just started talking to Arin last time in the ally. Arin meows in the response and Dan nods.

"How do you know when you like someone? Don't answer, that would be fucking weird. But when do you know when it's to early to like someone? Is love at first sight real? I'm not in love with the person, but still. I just don't know. I know I already said I like this person, but I just keep thinking about the whole considering my sexuality thing." Dan takes a deep breath. "I think I have made a decision, and yes, I already made decision."

Dan pushes himself from the floor and walks over to the end of the ally that is near the busy street. Arin gets up and follows him. Dan takes another deep breath. "I'M HELLA GAY!" Several people stop and turn to Dan, most turn but keep on walking. Dan has a great big grin on his face that shows pure happiness. Dan laughs very loudly and skips to the middle of the street, Arin follows. The traffic stops and starts honking by Dan just starts to spin in circles with his arms out. "I'M GAY!"

Dan lets out another loud laugh and then begins to run down the sidewalk, Arin running after him. The scenery begins to looks even more familiar and Arin realizes they had ran to his own house. Arin also realizes with a jolt what Dan might do right now in his state of bliss.

Dan leans down in front of Arin's door and takes a Bobby Pin from his hair. A mere minute later and the door swings open and the Bobby Pin returns to Dan's hair. Dan stands up with a big grin and struts info Arin's house. Arin gets a feeling and knows that's he's going to transform. He's about to run off to his room but Dan notices him and picks him up, petting him.

Arin can't believe that too many things are happening at once. He's trying to free himself from Dan's grip but can't, Arin is tired from the running. Dan stops in the middle of the hallway and his grin falls as he notices the cat squirming about. "Uh, you okay Big Cat? Was it too much running?"

Arin's response is a meow of pain as his claws begin to retreat inside of him. Dan notices with wide eyes and on instinct, drops Arin to the floor. Arin doesn't feel that pain due to the fact he's already feeling tons of pain. Dan is frozen in fear and in shock.

Arin's yells become human and Dan's eyes widen when he realizes who the cat is. After the transformation they are both unmoving, waiting for the other to make the first move.

"What the fuck?" Dan is unfrozen and has backed against the wall. Arin crawled over to the wall and pulled himself up, leaning on the wall across from Dan.

"Please," Arin's voice is full of pain and desperation. "Don't go." Arin doesn't know where these emotions came from and is a little scared.

"I told you things." Dan looks to the floor, scared of the things he had confessed to Big Cat. Dan looks angrily back up to Arin. "You didn't even say anything."

"You think I could have? 'Oh hey there Dan, I know that you are gay because I am a cat! Oops gotta go now bye!'"

Dan shakes his head and returns his glance to the floor. "I'm sorry. I just don't know what the fuck is going on."

Arin shakes his head. "It isn't your fault." He readjusts his position on the wall. "Will you still be my friend?"


Arin nearly falls to the ground in shock. He knew this was coming but it is still shocking. "What?"

"I can't be your friend anymore. I can't take it." Dan looks Arin straight into his eyes. "We haven't know each other long, but I can talk to you and joke with you better than anyone, so fuck it." Arin has an idea where Dan is going and is honestly scared.

"So, Will you be my boyfriend?"

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