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Dan hums along as we makes his way down the streets to his house. Arin has started flailing around again, desperate to get out of the arms that were locked around him.

"Here we are!" Dan says, walking up to a small one story house squished between two larger houses. Dan opens his door and shuts it behind him before letting Arin go. And as soon as Arin's feet touch the ground, he is off, he found the couch and is currently hiding underneath it.

"Hey Big Cat! Come out from where you're hiding please!" Dan yells while circling around in the living room, right where Arin was. Arin looks over to the clock and notices it's almost time - he needs to get out fast. Arin knows that he can't get out so he decides to go to the bathroom instead, that will at least be a little better. Arin spots the bathroom and when Dan is farthest away he bolts the bathroom, however he was spotted.

Arin goes in the bathroom and closes it. He jumps on the toilet then the counter  to push the lock closed. Moments later he hears Dan tying to open the door.

"How'd do you do that?" Dan mumbles more to himself than Arin. Arin jumps down from the counter the ground and a small pain begins in his right paw.

It gradually grows into unbearable pain. He bites his tongue to keep from meowing out as the pain get to his arms and legs.

Dan hits the door a few times with the palm of his hand. "What's going on in there?"

"shit" Arin meows out. Arin feels the transformation start and can't keep himself from meowing when he starts to feel every cat hair sink back inside his body, when his arms and legs elongate, his claws shrink inside his skin and then his fingernails growing back. He feels his hair on top of his head grow back and many other things. His cat meows has turned into human screams of pain and Danny has stopped hitting on the door.

Then all the pain suddenly disappears, replaced with sore everything. He checks his hands and feet which have a few scrapes on them from not being as durable as a cats.

And as normal, Arin transformed into a human with clothes - they were always the same clothes, a shirt saying "I love Cats!" And normal jeans.

There is a timid knock on the door. "Who's in there?" Dan asks, his voice is soft and barely audible. Arin doesn't answer. Arin lays there on the bathroom floor taking deep breaths.

Several minutes later he pushes himself off the floor using the counter, leaning on it after. Arin pushes himself over to the door, hoping that he can sneak out quickly and quietly.

However when he opens the door he sees Dan pop up from the floor. "Who are you?"

Arin doesn't respond again and makes his way out of the room and into the hallway, Dan moving out of his way and him leaning on the wall the whole time. His journey is slow and painful.

Dan watches for a second before walking next to Arin."how'd you even get in here?"

"My fucking magical powers that got descended from Dumbledoor himself." Arin grumbles out of frustration. Dan giggles. Arin thinks his giggle is adorable.

"You know where the cat went?"

Arin shakes his head and arrives at the door. "Well I best be off." He nods towards Dan, and even though he doesn't want to, he opens the door and stumbles home.

Dan watches his until he can't see him anymore in wonder. How'd he get in his house? What were those screams? Where did the cat go? Dan yawns and decides to forget about it until morning.

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