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Dan puts the Bobby Pin into the depths of his hair and swings open Arin's door. Him and Barry walk in and let Arin inside and then closes the door behind him. Dan leads the way to Arin's living room and Barry sets down the box and Arin's couch. Arin was very curious as to what they are doing - they just broke in his house with a mysterious box.

Barry opened the box and Arin jumped into the top of couch to see inside. He was not happy to say the least.

Inside the box was various pranking materials.

Dan and Barry shared a mischievous glance and split up, grabbing various materials. Luckily, they didn't open Arin's bedroom door so they didn't know he was not there as a human. Arin stalked into the kitchen where he saw Barry putting glitter into the milk and most contents of the fridge.

Once he was finished with that he moved over to the oven and opened it, spraying two cans of whipped cream into it, along with a cherry. Then, he got out about ten cans of silly string and sprayed the entire kitchen. He cackled and then moved onto the next room. Arin decided that he will go visit Dan.

Arin found Dan in the bathroom, slowly filling up the bathtub with milk and a big grin on his face. On the ground was several empty jugs. He then moved on to the counter, he stood up and grabbed Arin's toothpaste. He replaced it with another identical tube, Arin didn't want to know what was inside.

Dan then pulled out some bright red lipstick and opened it. He leaned over to the counter and began to write on the mirror.


He then walked over to the shower wall.


Dan left the room and returned with many boxes of Fruit Loops. He opened up the first and poured it into the bathtub with the milk as Arin watched this happen helplessly from the toilet.

As Arin followed the two men he wondered why they were doing this. In reality, Arin didn't think he and Dan were at the level of friendship to play pranks on each other. Arin wasn't mad but he wasn't happy that he will have to clean this up later. But Arin didn't realize that Dan and Barry had gotten to the level of friendship to play pranks on other people together. And how did Dan know Arin's house so well? Dan and Arin only hanged out once at Arin's house.

Arin, as he was watching Dan throw glitter in the living room, felt the familiar feeling that his transformation was coming soon. Arin ran to his bedroom and pushed open the door, closing it afterwards and locking it. He jumps on top of his dresser, grabs a sock, and then back to the floor.

As he starts to transform and his yells become human he stuffs the sock into his mouth so the others can't hear him. Once he is fully transformed, he waits several moments and then pushed himself up. He decided that he doesn't want to deal with the prank at the moment so unlocks his door - just in case - and flops on his bed, asleep within moments.

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