Chapter 3: Please Leave Us Alone

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Mark's Pov

Where is her little friend? What class does she have again today?

The boys and I search every classroom until we spot that infamous blonde curly hair in one of them.

We are waiting outside of her classroom until she comes out.

This is going to be so much fun. That bitch never liked me anyway, ever since I started to date her best friend she hated me.

Now it's time to show her what true hate really is.

Boy #1: "Ummm, hi Yoona."

Yoona: "Hello, can I help you with something?"

Boy #2: "Just ask her man, don't be shy."

Boy #3:. "If you don't do it then I will."

Boy #1: "I was just, just wondering i-i-if you w-w-would like to go out with me s-s-sometime?"

Yoona: "Awww, it's really cute how you're shy and all, I would love to go out with you sometime. Hmmm, does this Saturday, sound good?"

The boy just nods his head as he's blushing.

Sucks to be him, she's way too perky for me. To each his own.

The boy walks out of the classroom, once he spots us his smile fades quickly.

He scurries away as fast as he could, I'm not complaining though, it just shows how much control we have around here.

"I'll see everyone in the council meeting," I hear Yoona say to her friends.

As soon as she steps out of her class she sees us.

We all circle around her, not giving her any room to escape.

"What is it that you want because I much prefer to not be involved with any of you."

"Even if we have your precious Sakura held captive," Jackson provokes her.

The blood from her face drains, making her look really pale.

She breaks out into a cold sweat as she trembles in fear.

"What did you guys do to her?! So help me God, if anything happens to her you all will have to answer to me."

"Calm yourself before you say something you'll regret. Now nothing happened to her jus yet, and nothing will if you volunteerily come with us," Jr answers.

She drops her head and just nods.

That went better than expected, they will both truly do anything for each other, won't they?

Just how deep is their bond to each other?

We bring her to the same classroom that little miss innocent was in.

She falls unto her knees in tears seeing how her friend is tied up with tape across her mouth.

We drag her to the chair directly in front of Sakura and do the same thing to Yoona, awaiting for both our leaders to arrive.

JB's Pov

I walk into the room to see both girls tied up, stricken with fear.

They both are crying, not knowing what's going to happen to them.

I look over to Namjoon to see him smiling.

I'm not going to lie, this is going to be so much fun.

"Now look what we have here, the brave little warrior and her friend," I tease them.

Yoona looks at me with emense fear in her eyes, whereas Sakura looks at me as if she despises my very existence.

I just chuckle at both of them. I rip the tape off of Yoona's mouth.

"Is there something you wish to tell us," I whisper in her ear.

Through her tears she replies with, "please don't hurt Sakura, she's been through way too much and she's really fragile. Please spare her, I'll take her place, I'll do anything for her. Just please leave her alone."

Truth be told, I like it when people plead with me.

I look over to Sakura to see her struggling to say something.

Namjoon removes her tape so she could speak now.

"Don't her dare touch her! She's not part of this! What I said and did to all of you were my own actions, she had nothing to do with this! Please let her go," her voice softens at the last sentence.

Two girls who would give up everything for each other, makes me curious as to why.

Now is our chance to find out their other weaknesses.

"Why are you two so protective of each other? What happened to the both of you back in Japan," I ask them.

I see Sakura tense up as her eyes grow wide.

She says lowly, "What happened in my hometown is of no concern to you."

I walk behind Yoona to pull her head back by her hair tightly. She let out a little yelp as I did so.

"Tell us all here and now or you can see your friend get hurt."

Sakura's head drops down, then she says, "Fine I'll tell you. Back in middle school, right before we had gotten out for the summer, my parents died in a car crash, I had no more relatives besides my grandmother who resided here in Seoul. I didn't want to leave my hometown because my best friend who is literally the only family I had was going to stay behind. She finally convinced her parents to allow her to move here. Once they said yes we moved here, since I'm still underage I had to move in with my grandmother who is legit the evil stepmother from 'Cinderella'. I transferred to this highschool along with Yoona, fell for the wrong guy who broke my heart and never spoke to anyone besides Yoona. You know my story, so please leave us alone."

There's now a little sadness in her eyes, kind of made me feel bad for what she has been through.

"Sakura, you shouldn't have told them, those were your problems that you shouldn't be forced to tell," Yoona says softly.

"I can see why she said what she did now. You want to disappear right Sakura," V intervenes.

"Please don't touch her, I'll do whatever you guys want me to, but please don't touch Sakura," Yoona pleads.

"I have an idea then, become Taehyung's girlfriend Yoona, then we'll leave your precious Sakura alone. The catch is, you have to do everything he says by becoming his maid. Better yet," Namjoon says, "you both will become maids. I mean fourteen guys do live together after all."

The girls look at each other, then at each one of us. They slowly nod their heads yes in agreeing to our terms.

"We'll be expecting great things from the both of you," I whisper menacingly.

These girls are going to face many hardships with us.

Sakura's Pov

The boys finally released us after we agreed to what they wanted from us, I can't let them hurt Yoona, not since it was my big mouth that had gotten us into this mess in the first place.

"What are you going to tell you grandmom," Yoona asks.

"That I got a job as a live in maid, and I'll give her money as I get paid."

"You think they'll pay us?"

"One of them might." I sighed deeply to myself. What did I just get us involved in? If I could've controlled my mouth those people would've left us alone, but alas I had to talk back to all of them. I'm such an idiot.

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