Chapter 9: Who is he to you

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Sakura's Pov

Mondays are the worse. I feel like going back to bed, I don't want to be here.

I see Kevin with a bunch of girls already surrounding him. He hasn't even been here for an hour!!!! Can these girls get any more annoying?

One of the girls all over him is Lily, I thought she was dating Mark? Eh, not my problem, if anything it serves him right.

Kevin: "Sakura, there you are. I've been looking everywhere for you."

"I just arrived like 5 minutes ago. Are you settling in okay?"

Kevin: "Yup, all of the girls are helping me. Some of them are super attractive too, I might ask some of them out."

"Some?! As in more than 1?"

Kevin: "Yup, can't be strapped down to just one girl, you know?"

"Haha, yea you're right I guess."

My heart stung a little at his words. Does he really mean that? Is that what he did to Yoona? I won't be able to ever look at him the same again.

Kevin: "Hey, is everything okay?"

"Yea, why do you ask?"

Kevin: "You just seemed a little out of it."

"Nope, I'm perfectly fine, no need to worry. Go to your fangirls, they seem to be waiting for you."

Kevin: "Okay then, I'll catch you later."

He kisses me on the cheek goodbye as he walks over to the girls. They all glare at me after seeing our interaction. This is just going to make my school life even worse than it already is.

When I get to class I see Lily blocking the door.

"Move Lily, I don't have time to deal with your shit right now."

Lily: "Care to explain what that was about earlier?"

"What are you even talking about?"

Lily: "That kiss on the cheek is what I'm talking about?! What was that all about?!"

"I don't have to explain anything to the likes of you! Why hell do you care anyway, don't you have Mark?! Now move out of my damn way before I make you move! You don't want to try me!"

Lily: "You're such a bitch! No wonder nobody likes you, you're attitude is the worse."

"Like yours is any better."

She scoffed as she stepped aside. Man, what the hell is her problem?

Oh fuck, if Mark hears about how I talked to Lily I'm screwed. I'll just go to the garden at lunch time to avoid any drama.

-At Lunch-

Why did Yoona make me come to the cafeteria? I really didn't want to be here, especially not after what happened this morning.

Lily: "Attention everyone, I have a little announcement to make that'll embarrass a little someone."

I have a bad feeling about this.

Lily: "You see, there's a certain someone in this cafeteria right now that's a live in maid. She has to serve our two gangs, and as she serves them she has to call each one master. How about we have her demonstrate for us? Sakura please demonstrate and show us how you address your masters."

People start snickering and whispering to each other, mocking me. Oh this bitch is so dead. I don't care who she's dating, it's time I put her in her place.

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