Chapter 15: Some Hearts Soften

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Sakura's Pov

I had to spend a whole another week in the hospital, making my life even more miserable. This is seriously the worse life right now, first I wind up in here after a fight at school, then because of that psychopath.

Jungkook: "How are you feeling? Are you ready to go, Carl is waiting in the car."

"Yea, I'm ready."

I don't say much anymore, just short curt sentences if anybody asks me anything, I don't know why, I just don't want to talk to people. The car ride home was an aweful awkward silence, I don't want to be this way, I just can't bring myself to speak. Is it distrust? Is it because I can't take this anymore? What could it possibly be?

Carl: "We are home, Miss Sakura do you need help getting upstairs."


I can hear Carl sigh, I don't blame him, none of them deserve to be talked to like this, they didn't do anything wrong. I just feel so dead inside, so broken. When did my life become a literal living hell?

Jin: "Sakura, glad to see you're back again."


Youngjae: "Do you not want to talk to us, you've been acting like this all week."


Jackson: *Sighs* "Just go get some rest, we'll bring you some refreshments."


I feel like the biggest bitch right now, what have they ever done to me? I mean I can think of a lot of things, but what have they done recently? They've been showing me how much theu actually cared about me in the last week, and I've been shoving them away. They're not responsible for what Eric did to me, it's my fault for not telling them what he was in the first place.

JB: "We were thinking about finally letting you go, you can move back into your grandmother's house, she left it to you right?"

"No, after she died it was sold."

Namjoon: "What do you want to do?"

"Stay I guess."

Yoona: "Why do you sound so monotonous, it's as if all life was drained from you."

"I'm completely broken now, there's no reason to be somewhat happy anymore."

Jungkook: "Don't say that, there are plenty of reasons you should be happy, you have all of us. I know it may not seem like it, but we care about you Sakura, you've changed us, you soften our hearts little by little each day."

"That's good I guess. I'll be in my room."

I walk away, I'm sad, but I'm incapable of crying, it's as if I have no more emotions. I don't want to live like this for the rest of my life, can I go back to being normal?


Jungkook's Pov

"What do we do now?"

All: "You."

" Me what?"

Yoona: "You're the one who can fix her now, I've seen the way you looked at her while she was lying on the hospital bed in that state. Jungkook, you have feelings for Sakura, and with those feelings you can bring her back."

"I'll admit I do have feelings for her, but she probably doesn't have feelings for me."

Yugyeom: "Dude, give it a shot, maybe she does."

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