Chapter 2: Trouble

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Namjoon Pov

That was really bold of her yesterday.

Who does she think she is to talk down on us like that, she is seriously looking to get herself into trouble.

"Rap Mon, what you thinking about," JB questions me.

"Just the stupidity of that Sakura girl yesterday. We have to really show her who runs this school. I've already talked to my guys about it, they're on board, how about on your end?"

A smirk starts to show on his face as he proceeds to say, "Funny you should say that, I had the same thought. I had already talked with my guys as well, they're all on board. From here on out Sakura and her little friend are going to wish they never met any of us."

"Oh yea, I almost forgot to ask, did she really date Mark?"

"It was back in freshman year, she was new to the school, a transfer student from Japan, she didn't know who was who, so Mark decided to play with her a little bit. You see, when she came here she was depressed, had the same exact attitude she has now. He convinced her to go out with him, little miss innocent didn't know he was part of a gang though. One day she came to this very room and saw Mark all over another girl. The look on her face was priceless, she was in complete shock. Instead of crying like normal girls she screamed at him, telling him to never look her way again. That's when she found out who we were."

"Harsh, I like it. Do you know anything about her?"

"Hmmmm, not really, she never opened up to anyone, besides the girl who's always by her side."

"Who is that girl that's always around her, I saw them on the bleachers in the gym yesterday. It looked like they were talking about something heartbreaking because Sakura broke out in tears. I couldn't hear what they were talking about though."

"Her friend's name is Yoona, they transferred here together from Japan, other than that I have no idea."

"Then how about we go after her friend first, as a warning to not step out of line next time."

"I like where you're going with this," just as he said that, the other boys enter the room.

We explain the plan on who we're targeting first.

They all seem to nod in agreement.

A satisfying smile shows on my face, we are going to become their worse nightmare.

Yoona's Pov

I just don't get her sometimes, I mean why can't she just keep her mouth closed like a good girl, instead of getting herself involved in a huge mess?

Now we're going to have to deal with two notorious, scary gangs just because she couldn't stand down.

I could just stop hanging out with her, but then she would be all alone, I can't do that to her, I have to stick by her no matter what happens to us.

"Guess you're lost in thought," I hear Sakura whisper.

"I was just thinking about something that's all," I reply with a smile.

" I'm sorry that you're going to lose your popularity because of me."

I look over to her to see tears forming in her eyes. She looks so sad as she said those words. A lump forms in my throat, no I can't cry at the sight of her crying.

Does she really think that I care more for my image than I do about her?

"My popularity means nothing to me if you're not there with me. Everyone could swoon all over me, they don't compare to you though. You're my sister Sakura, I'm not going to let you deal with this alone, I'm here for you."

She stopped walking and blankly stared at the ground.

"I have something to ask you," she whispers.

I look at her, feeling concerned with what she has to say.

"What is it?" I manage to ask, afraid of what I'm about to hear.

"What if I were to disappear from this world? What if I said people would be better off without me? I mean nobody would miss me right?" her voice cracked at the end.

I walked over to her and slapped her across the face.


"Calm down Yoona, it was just a what if. It's not like I'd actually do it, not unless something drastically happened to you. I can't leave you, and you can't leave me, we only have each other in this cruel dark world." Now she's really crying, I hate to see her this way.

I grab her into a tight hug as she sobbed into my uniform.

This girl had been through too much at such a young age, I wish I could take all of her problems away. This is just too heartbreaking to see her in this state, I want to the old Sakura back, the one who used to smile all the time, who used to be the light in the darkness for other people. The one who would tell people that everything will work out for the best when they were down.

My old Sakura, how can I bring that beautiful smile back onto that face, how?

I cry with her as my arms around her tighten.

Taehyung's Pov

This is going to be great. I don't know why she said what she did, but Rap Mon is definitely going to be intrigued.

"Is that what she really said V? You're 100% sure those were the words you heard," Rap Mon asks me.

"Yup, although I don't know the reason behind her depression, those words definitely came out of her mouth."

"What are we going to do now," Mark asks.

"We are going to get both of them to come to this room and torture Yoona a little bit to get our point across," JB states.

"Let's not mess Yoona up too much though, I would like to try to date her at least once," I say.

Jungkook, Jin, Jimin, J-Hope, Suga, and I are to corner Sakura to bring her here, while Mark, Yugyeom, Youngjae, Bambam, Jackson, and Jr are to bring Yoona with them. Surely they won't try to fight us.

We all make our way out of the room to see Sakura walking towards us.

This will be too easy to trap her here. I look at the guys, seem like they had the same idea as I did. I mean I do feel kind of bad, but she should have never challeneged us.

"Hey there little lady," I said to her, blocking her way.

She just scowls and tries to walk around me. That's when the other five came into the picture, they circled around her so that she won't be able to get away.

I see that fear had already taken form within her.

"You know, it's really rude to not say hi back when someone greets you. Have your parents not taught you any manners," I said stepping towards her.

"I have nothing to say to a bunch of gang members. I was specifically told to stay away from you guys and that's what I'm trying to do. Now can you all please move, I have a class to get to," she says with an attitude.

It's cute, she tries to act tough, but deep down she's just really scared.

I grab her wrist to drag her into the empty classroom.

"Let me go," she screams as I plop her into a chair.

We tie her hands and feet to the chair so she can't move.

She didn't really put up much of a fight for a tough girl. Trouble is truly about to come her way.

Will You Be The One To Change Us (BTS and Got7 Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora