Chapter 6: Morning

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We went home and we hung out and watched a movie on Netflix he out his arm around me after a few minutes into the movie. It was around 8:00 and I was guess he had a long day cause he fell asleep on my shoulder after awhile. It was kind of cute I mean when you have a sleeping Beebo on you, you have to admit its cute. I still had a tiny bit of a crush on him and I've had one in him for awhile, so it kind of made the situation a little awkward. I soon fell asleep too on his head cause of jet lag I was really tired and today had been a long and exciting today.

"Madison I'm gonna be honest ever since I've adopted you, you have impacted my life so much. I think all of us can say that" Brendon said pointing out into the crowd and point at his former band members, Kenny, Dan, And Dallon
"So thank you Madison" Brendon said again smiling at me

*Dream Ends*

I woke up it was 7:00 am Brendon was gone and I was in my bed now covered up but still in the same clothes from the day before. I got up and changed my clothes and went downstairs I heard Brendon singing from the kitchen I walked I into the kitchen and started to sing with him he smiled when he heard me singing.

"I see someone is up early" he said flipping a pancake
"I get up pretty early so..." I said sitting down at the counter
"So we fell asleep kind of weird last night" he said laughing
"Yeah I was just tired" I sad laughing too

He gave me a plate and 2 pancakes I ate them as he started to talk to me

"So school is starting next week..." He said
"Mhm" I said looking at him
"We need to see your teachers and we need to get back to school stuff" he said
"Ok" I said quietly
"What's wrong" he said concerned
"Last time I was I school I was getting bullied" I said frowning
"Look it'll be ok" he said smiling at me

I finished breakfast with Brendon and we had small talk here and there while eating.


Sorry these chapters are so short I'll be updating a lot today cause I have a 7 hour trip to Florida so I might update a lot and sleep ;;;)))

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