Chapter 10: Telling Brendon and going to Disney

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Andrew: So have you told Brendon yet?

Me: no, I feel like he's gonna make me break up with you or something...

Andrew: Just tell him and he can talk to me if he wants us to break up.

Me: well I guess so... But you have to be good!

Andrew: I know... Now go tell him or something alone the lines of that.

Me: alright

I walked downstairs nervously worrying on what he was gonna say or do.

"Hey umm Brendon do you think we could go and uhh do something?" I asked nervously
"Sure! Like what and do you want Dallon, Dan, and Kenny to join us cause we were planning on doing something today anyway" he said taking a sip of his water
"Uhh yeah they can join us and do you think we could go to a theme park or something like Disney" I said looking down at the floor
"Oh that would be really fun!! I'll ask them to come over so we can get ready since it's only..." He said looking at the clock, adjusting his glasses
"It's only 9:46 am" he said smiling
"Ok, I'll go get ready" I said turning around and slowly walking upstairs

I went to my room and went to my closet and got out a black Twenty One Pilots tank top and so jean shorts. I changed and brushed my teeth and brushed out my hair. I heard the doorbell ring and I ran downstairs to get it but Brendon was already at the door

"Umm Madison, can you stay here I have a surprise for you" he said smiling
"Ok..." I said

I heard Brendon and 2 other people talking their voices sounds familiar but I couldn't tell who it was. Brendon came inside with 2 other people following behind him it took me a few seconds to make out who they were. It was Tyler and Josh (Twenty One Pilots if you didn't know :3)

"Nice shirt you got there" Josh said pointing at my shirt
"T-thanks" I said smiling
"Y-your Josh" I said pointing at josh
"And y-your Tyler" I said pointing at Tyler
"There ya' go!" Tyler said smiling

I walked up to both of them and hugged them tightly they both accepted it and hugged back.


I got done fan girling and now we were just waiting for Dallon and Dan. Kenny had already gotten here we waited for about 20 minutes and they finally in a white van for all of us to in into. We all got into the car, I said in the back by myself I put in earbuds cause when you're in a car with a bunch of guys and you're the only girl it's pretty annoying. I put my music on shuffle and thought to myself

'Why didn't I just tell Brendon earlier about Andrew now I have to tell everyone'

'Why am I so stupid about this stuff I should've told him god dangit'

'What if he tells me to break up with him and never talk to him ever again'

'But I can't listen to that Andrew is everything to me he's been my best friend for 4 years and no one is gonna break out bond'

'Why is this so complicated'

I must've fell asleep while caught up in my thoughts cause when we got there Dallon yelled


I jumped up and took out my earbuds and put them in the seat and got out of the van. We got into a large line of people waiting to get in. Luckily Brendon had got is fast passes which I was really happy about that cause I've never ever done anything like this before. We got into the park and walked around for a bit and looked for a place to eat cause none of us had ate breakfast we found a place and we got a large cheese fry for all of us to split. We all finished it in about 25 minutes and we sat at the table for a bit to make sure our stomaches set.

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