Chapter 13: Hanging Out

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We all arrived at the house, I ran into the house with Ashley and we ran upstairs and into my room. Josh and Tyler came into my room and just stared at me for running into the house and not saying anything to them.

"So... i'm guessing you day was good" Tyler said chuckling

"i-i-is that Tyler" Ashley whispered to me
"No it's Josh... Of course it's Tyler" I said giggling
"Who's this" Josh asked pointing at Ashley
"That's Ashley" I said smiling
"Well, welcome to the Urie household" Brendon said walking into my room smiling

Ashley smiled really wide and then got off the bed and pulled all of them into a group hug which was funny, I watched as they all hugged her back and then Josh started to chuckle as Ashley hugged him and him only and then she pulled away.

"Thank you guys, so freaking much" she said smiling
"Why are you thanking us?" Brendon asked
"Cause you've saved me and I and i never thought I would ever meet you guys" she said tearing up
"Aww, please don't cry" Brendon said
"We're not that important, well we are, but not that much" Tyler said
"Well you are to me and my friend Jacob, you've saved our lives, so thank you" she said smiling
"You're welcome" they all said in Unison

Ashley hugged them one more time before they left

"So, who's this Jacob guy?" I asked
"A fren" she said giggling
"Does he go to school?" i asked
"no he's home schooled, we could go get him cause he lives close to me and you also live close to me" she said
"Uhh sure i'll go asked Brendon

*Brendon's POV*

"BRENDON" I heard Madison yell while running down the stairs
"What!" I yelled
"Hey, can Ashley and I got get her friend Jacob" she asked
"Uhh where does he live?" I asked
"Well you guys are the neighborhood right next to mine and Jacob lives across the street from me" Ashley said
"How long do you think you'll be out" I asked Ashley
"Umm 10 to 20 minutes" she said

*Madison's POV*

We walked out the house and started walking out of the neighborhood we talked a lot about bands the ones we like and the ones we didn't like so much, she told me that she was really happy to see and meet Brendon, Josh, and Tyler. We soon walked out of the neighborhood and began walking down the sidewalk leading towards the other neighborhood which was much smaller then the one I lived in, From where we we're at, the house's looked smaller and so did the neighborhood at least. As we walked we played 20 questions and my last question... It was hard

"Who do you like better Josh, Tyler, or Brendon?" Ashley asked
"Uhh... Brendon!" I said
"Why?" She asked smiling
"Cause he's my dad and I love him" I said smiling
"I ship it" she said laughing
"Eww no... He's my dad" I said giggling
"But! Haven't you had a crush on him any time of your life?" She sad
"True, I did for awhile" I said

We soon walked into her neighborhood and like I predicted in was small, but really nice. We walked to Jacobs house and knocked on the door and a tall figure answered the door he was like 6'0 and I was only 5'3 which made me feel so short

"Jacob!" Ashley said smiling and hugging him
"Hey Ashley" he said accepting the hug and smiling back

They pulled away from the hug and Jacob looked down at me and smiled

"who's this?" He asked
"This is Madison we just met today and she's new here" Ashely said
"Well I'm Jacob and it's nice to meet you, anyway what do you want?" He said
"Uhh would it be ok if you came to Madison's house" Ashley asked
"Wait!" I said
"What" they said in unison
"You want me to call Brendon and see if we can go swimming?!" I said smiling
"Sure!" Jacob said
"Yeah!" Ashley said
"Alright" I said

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