Chapter 6

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  Kate's POV:

Well now we're off to find Trey because this other babysitter Lola decided to lose him. And now Jenny's freaking out because we had to take the Anderson's car into the city to get him because her car couldn't fit all of us.

"Oh my god I can't believe this is happening to me this night couldn't get any worse." Jenny was mumbling while driving and freaking out.

Now we're at some pawn shop where Trey was looking to buy tickets for the Psychic Rockets concert. And there's a big guy named tiny which I found pretty ironic. But anyways we were then told to go talk to this weirdo in the back swinging a sword around.

"Hi there sorry to interrupt your sword swinging sir, but did you happen to sell Psychic Rockets tickets to a young boy earlier?" Jenny nervously asked while trying to hide behind Lola.

"Maybe I did, or maybe I didn't." The freaky weirdo said while swinging his sword around like a maniac.

"Well what if we call the cops and tell them there's a weird maniac swinging a sword around in the back of a pawn shop selling tickets to minors? Would you remember him then?" Lola asked

Then he finally told us that he had talked about pizza so we assumed that he had gone to Mario's because I know that that's his favorite pizza place. But then Bobby decided to let some weird animal loose, and once the guy caught him Lola took a picture of him which caused him to get angry.

"Um guys....." AJ started causing us to look up.

Then we realized that the Anderson's really expensive car was getting towed. So we ran out as Jenny rambled on about not seeing the sign and how it's not really her car and to please not tow it. Then the driver said we had till midnight to come up with $100 to get it back which made Lola pretty angry. Once Jenny realized she didn't have her purse with her, she drove away dragging the nice clean car through a huge mud puddle. And leaving us stranded.

"It's okay it's perfectly fine we just have no money, no car, no Trey, and we need $100 by midnight, it okay we can do this right?" Jenny said trying to reassure herself that everything would be okay.

"What about the ice cream money?" Emily asked. Which earned some good job comments from everyone.

But there was only $10, which we then decided we could use it to take the bus to Mario's and then figure it out from there. Then I realized Bobby was eating  a candy bar that he didn't have before.

"Hey Bobby where'd you get that candy bar?" I asked him.

"I got it from that pawn shop we were just in." He responded.

"Bobby! You stole candy from the pawn shop?" The others asked while Jenny was just ranting about how he stole candy from a stranger.

"They were in a bowl so I thought they were free." Bobby said nervously.

"Hey hey you kids get back here!" The two guys screamed from across the street.

"Well I guess the candy wasn't free." I said trying to shed some light on the situation which just earned some death glares from Jenny.

Then we all ran.

  Tiny's POV:

"We can't lose those kids and that camera." I started.

"They have a picture of me and the sapphire ferret, and I can't go back to jail for stealing that thing." I said frantically trying to find a way to get those kids and that camera.

  Kate's POV:

We continued to run until we finally reached the bus.

"Come on guys run run run!" Lola screamed seeing as we were only a couple feet away from the bus.

"But these shoes aren't made for running." Katy whined causing some of us to giggle.

Then we all marched onto the bus, Lola last because she had the $10 bill which she put into the machine to pay. Which then caused the man to stop her.

"7 kids that's $14." The bus driver explained.

"It's 14 now my my how times have changed uh lets just call it close enough." Lola said trying to walk away.

But then the guy stopped her again and said "let's not."

"Okay well the thing is uh Carl we're having a minor situation tonight, you see thanks to Jenny the worlds best babysitter here, we don't have any additional extra money so...." Lola started but was then interrupted.

"Don't listen to her Carl this whole fiasco is her fault." Jenny said causing Lola to gasp.

"I think we can all stop pointing fingers and worry about Trey." Lola said pretending to actually care about Trey, the child SHE lost.

"Don't pretend to care about Trey, honestly Carl she doesn't care about anybody but herself." Jenny said practically reading my mind.

"I care about a lot of things Carl like art and expression and photography, I bet she didn't know who Leo Vasquez was until today." Lola shot back seeming angry.

"I did too I read all about him." Jenny replied not making her case much better.

"I saw your portfolio and it was as stiff as you are. Where'd you learn how to take pictures sweat heart? Your computer?" Lola asked.

"Where'd you learn all this snappy sarcasm? Because we know it wasn't college." Jenny snapped back causing me to gasp a little.

"Enough, just get on and zip it Carl finally snapped which was good for us.

Then Jenny offered to pay and Lola snapped a picture of Carl yelling at her to just sit. So she did and in no time we finally arrived at Mario's pizza place.

a/n ~ I was actually watching adventures in babysitting while writing this chapter so hopefully I got most of the dialogue correct so that you guys could picture what was happening. Anyways thanks for all the reads and the nice comments and feel free to comment any question or suggestions you may have, and I'll try my best to respond to them.

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