Chapter 8

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a/n ~ this is probably one of my favorite chapters to write because of a certain Kate and Trey moment that's small but adorable. Hope you enjoy!

  Kate's POV:

"Guys I hate to brake up your little conversation over there but if we don't start running in about two minutes those guys are gonna come after us." Lola said cockily, I have a feeling I'm gonna like this girl even if she did lose Trey earlier.

So then we continued to run and Trey was right next to me and I couldn't help but blush.

I mean the things I would do to get that boy to like me the way I like him.

"Snap out of it Kate!" I mentally screamed to myself.

"Snap out of what?" I heard Trey ask. Which meant my mental note to myself may not have been as mental as I thought.

"O-oh nothing I was just talking to myself." I responded. Real smooth Kate way to make yourself seem like a nut job.

He just nodded as we ran into a laundromat, the bad guys only a few behind us.

  Trey's POV:

I wonder what Kate was talking about? I'm sure it wasn't me though so I just kept running beside her acting like nothing just happened.

But then those guys locked the doors and we had no way to get out.

So we were standing behind these two metal poles.

Lola and Jenny were holding Katy and AJ with Emily in between them. And I was holding onto Bobby behind the other pole, with Kate standing next to me. I think this is the closest I've ever been to her. And I guess I never realized how great she smelt until now.

"Jesus Trey stop thinking like that." I said to myself trying to contain my feelings.

But the next thing I knew Kate leaned on my shoulder and whispered something to me.

"I'm scared please don't leave me." She whispered.

"I would never." I said as I put my arm around her, still holding onto Bobby with the other.

And at this moment I didn't care if everyone was staring at us, or even if she liked me back. Because all I know is I was comforting Kate Parker my dream girl, and it feels amazing.

  Kate's POV:

I was so close to Trey right now so I took my opportunity to try and see if he likes me.

So I whispered to him that I was scared and asked him not to leave me. And he said he would never leave me.

What does that mean?

Could he like me?

Or is he just being nice?

But the I felt butterflies in the pit of my stomach and realized that Trey Anderson the first person I've ever liked had his arm around me. And everyone seemed to be staring at us, but I wasn't phased by it and he didn't seem to be either. We were just living in the moment.

Who knew that running for our lives could be the way that i got closer to Trey and find out that he might actually like me back.

  Lola's POV:

Aw Jenny's sister and Trey are so cute it makes me want to puke.

I mean they are so oblivious, it's pretty obvious that they both like each other, but it's like they can't figure it out.

But that's the least of our worries right now because we have no idea how much time we have left until these guys find out where we're hiding. And just like I thought, the tall skinny one found out where we were, but lucky for us I had a plan.

"Guys this way we can go out and hide in these jackets and ride them up to those doors up there." I whispered loud enough for all of them to hear while pointing at the jackets hanging from some sort of belt.

Next thing we knew, we were laughing at the two guys as they tried to reach up and grab us, but failed terribly. Then we reached the end of the belt, and ran out to what we thought was safety, but just happened to be another trap.

  Trey's POV:

We reached this really cool chain with a pile of clothes at the bottom, and everyone thought there was no hope, but I had a plan.

"Guys we can climb down this chain and into the pile of clothes." I said to them earning glares from Jenny and Kate.

Everyone was onboard and went down the chain. Even though Jenny was a little on edge about it, she still did it. But for some reason Kate wouldn't. She's the most crazy and rebellious girl I've ever met and she wouldn't do this one little thing I mean granted it was a big drop, but I didn't think anything would scare her.

"Kate what's wrong?" I asked her in a soft voice.

"I- I'm sc- scared of heights I can't do this Trey." She said in a nervous tone.

"Hey hey look at me don't worry I'll do it with you on the count of three." I said to her as her gorgeous eyes stared into mine.

"Okay." She agreed

"1" I said

"2" she said

"3" we both said as we dropped down the chain and landed safely in the pile of clothes.

"Thank you so much Trey you really helped me through that." Kate whispered in my ear as she hugged me tightly.

"No problem." I whispered back still hugging her tightly.

Then we finally pulled apart and glared in each other's eyes for a minute. And then before either of us knew what was happening, we both leaned in and........

*To Be Continued*

a/n ~ I know you guys must hate me so much right now for that cliffhanger. But this is honestly my favorite chapter to write because so much happened with Kate and Trey and it makes me so happy. But anyways comment if you think they're gonna kiss, or if somethings gonna interrupt it.

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