Chapter 11

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  Jenny's POV:

Once we ran into what seemed like a night club, I heard music.

"Is my camera alright?" Lola asked causing us to all give her the "are you serious" look.

"Are you seriously worried about your stupid camera right now?" I asked her, with shock clearly evident in my voice.

"It's no stupid, I won it in my first photography contest. It proves that I have talent." She replied back sounding a little hurt.

"Alright whatever lets just go before those guys find a way in." I said while walking through a curtain.

But when I walked through I tripped over a wire causing the music to stop, which then caused all eyes to be on us.

Me and Lola both gasped and I tried to walk away but was stopped.

"Woah!" The DJ said sounding a little angry.

"Uh sorry wrong place, bye." I said then trying to walk out again.

"Woah no no no, stop in your tracks. Cause you ain't goin no where until you tell us some facts." The DJ said to me in a gangster like tone.

"Excuse me?" I asked clearly confused.

"You heard me, you step on my stage, you gotta spill your rage." He said trying to rhyme.

"My rage?" I questioned.

"Oh no no there's nothing to rage about. Come on kids lets go" I continued trying to walk away once again.

"Uh uh uh, hey you all know how we do." He said earning some "yeah's" from the crowd.

"Spill the truth, cause if it's your fist time." The guy started.

"You gotta rhyme!" Exclaimed the crowd finishing his sentence for him.

"Rhyme?" I asked Lola

"Rap Jenny they want you to rap." She told me.

"But but I don't rhyme I'm a babysitter." I responded nervously.

"Just say something........ anything." Trey said sounding kind of nervous, which I never would've suspected from him.

"Hello my name is Jenny Parker." I started as the DJ dropped a beat.

"And these kids are my, crew?" I said/asked.

"We're in a lot of trouble and I'm not sure what to do." I continued.

"See it all started when our phones made a switch. Lola lied to the parents, she's been a real witch. I said starting to gain a little more confidence.

"A kid snuck out, the kitchen caught fire, the car got towed all cause she's a liar." I kept going remembering how angry I really was at Lola.

"Now these bad guys are chasing us." Bobby said as I was about to walk away.

"We almost just died." Katy chirped in.

"I got a tattoo." Emily said making me nervous.

"Can you let that one slide." Lola jumped in rolling her eyes.

I turned Lola around and sang "this girl is ruining my life, my job, my reputation and if we ever get home, I'm gonna need a vacation."

That earned me a couple "you tell her's" from the audience.

"But no matter what I'm not gonna be a quitter, gonna care for these kids because I'm the ba-by-sitter." I sang.

"She ain't no quitter uh she's the babysitter." Everyone sang making me feel proud.

Lola's POV:

I can't believe this girl. I thought we were starting to be friends, but I guess not. So I turned to walk off this stupid stage, but then Emily and Kate came over to me.

"You really gonna let her say all those things about you?" Kate asked me

"Yeah but she's really good." I replied.

"Yeah but you'd be better." Emily said.

"You guys really think so? I asked them.

"Yeah, definitely!" They both responded.

"Alright then let's do this." I told them with a fire burning inside of me.

"Hold up just a minute." I started grabbing the microphone from Jenny.

"Now that's not the straight scoop, this girls so uptight she's all tied in a loop." I continued.

"Oh oh oh I think we got ourselves a battle of the babysitters." The DJ said, causing the crowd to go nuts.

"Uh lets rewind this movie an hour or two the kid snuck out, I didn't have a clue I said."

"Yeah that's true." Trey jumped in.

"Okay I admit it I don't follow rules, I'm not good with kids, I'm not good at school, but it wasn't my plan to steal a car, or end up in jail or take it this far. It's true I lied, but nobody died and these kids are having an incredible ride." I sang while gliding AJ down the side of the stage.

"You think you know it all but you don't know me, see I'm more than just miss spelling bee." Jenny shot back making me kind of proud.

"Wanna be a real artist, take pictures of your first night out in the big bad city." I started while bumping Jenny out of my way a little.

"See your a pretty cool girl Jenny but I'm pretty cool too in fact I'm just as great a babysitter as you." I said cockily earning a few "go Lola's".

Then I started dancing around the stage with the kids. Waiting for Jenny to fire back.

Jenny's POV:

She's as great a babysitter as me, yeah right I'll show her. So after thinking for a minute, I finally shot back.

"She's right I'm smart, and I do follow rules, I work real hard and I care about school. There's a time for fun to let go and climb trees. I started while grabbing Lola's camera and turning around.

"You see I am a real artist, everybody say cheeessee!" I exclaimed as I took a picture of all of us on stage.

"We ain't no quitters, uh we're the babysitters." We all sang.

"We ain't no quitters, we're the babysitters we're the babysitters." We all sang again.

"We ain't no quitters, we're the babysitters." We both sang while we did a little dance.

"Uh we ain't no quitters we're the babysitters, we're the babysitters. We continued to sing.

And after a couple more times of singing, we realized that the bad guys had found a way to get in. So we dropped the mic and left. Continuing to run out of the building the way we came.

Tiny's POV:

We finally found them so we tried to follow them but were stopped by security. Then some other guy came out of no where.

"Stop in your tracks you ain't goin no where until we get the facts." He said causing me and my goon to look at each other weirdly.

a/n ~ hey guys sorry rant was so long and had so many words, I just wanted to make it as accurate as possible. I hoped you guys liked it.

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