Chapter 9

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a/n ~ I figured since I made you wait to see if they kiss or not, I'm gonna update today so you can see what happens.

Trey's POV:

We were kissing, me and Kate Parker were kissing. This is the best thing that has ever happened to me ever in my life. Lola and Jenny tried to stop us before it happened, but we were too in the moment and didn't care what they were saying, whether we were being chased or not.

Kate's POV:

I just kissed Trey freaking Anderson I don't think my life could ever be better than it is right now. Lola and Jenny were yelling at us to run but we were both too into it to give a crap. But when we finally pulled away, I had to tell Trey my feelings. Even if he knew most of it from the kiss, he didn't know how long I've felt this way and how he's my first love.

"Trey I've liked you for a long time, you're the first person I've ever loved and......." I started but was interrupted by Trey.

"I've loved you too, for the longest time you wouldn't ever imagine. You are the most gorgeous girl I've ever met and I can't freaking believe I just kissed you." He said making me blush.

But then Jenny and Lola finally had enough and just dragged us away and started running. So that we could sell Trey's Psychic Rockets ticket to get the $100 so that we can get the car back from the tow truck company.

Jenny's POV:

We're running away from bad guys, but all I could think about was the fact that my little sister just kissed a boy. She had her first kiss before me and as a sister that's not okay and I might have to pound on that boy. But as a friend, I'm so happy for her because I know how much she likes him. But the fact that I read her diary to find it out is our little secret okay.

But anyways now we're in the park and I'm sitting on the benches with the kids. While Lola is over some where else trying to sell Trey's concert ticket. But while I was talking to the kids Kate interrupted me.

"Um guys we've got a problem." She said.

"What is it now Kate?" I asked her in a kind of snappy tone because I was tired from all the craziness.

Then I turned to where Lola was and realized there was now a cop where she was standing and I don't think he was just passing by.

Lola's POV:

Well according to the cop who just arrested me, selling a ticket on the street is illegal. So now I'm being questioned by this cop, and am being very cocky. Because he doesn't believe the story I'm telling him about what happened tonight.

"Excuse me officer, is this girl bothering you?" I heard a familiar voice ask.

And when I turned around I saw the officer James, the officer who gave me that ticket earlier today. And it took me everything in my power to not jump up and attack him. He's lucky he's hot otherwise I swear to god he would hear it from me.

  Jenny's POV:

I can't believe Lola got arrested, well I knew it would happen eventually, but I figured it would've been in another couple of years. But then now that I was sitting, I had a minute to look at my surroundings, and realized Emily was covering her hair. So I went up to her and was asking her questions and she was being all suspicious when I asked her about her hair. Then I pulled her beanie off and saw that her hair was green.

"Sweet dude your hair looks so cute." Kate beamed.

"No not sweet Emily what were you thinking your hair and a tattoo why are you being so irresponsible?" I asked her angrily.

"I'm not being irresponsible I'm being creative." She said back.

"That's not creative Emily. Ugh why do you have to make everything worse? You know what just go and sit with the other kids." I screamed back at her while I slumped down next to Katy, instantly feeling bad for the things I just said to Emily.

  AJ's POV:

Oh my god I can't believe this. My favorite skating team from the derby my dad was supposed to take me to is here in jail right now. I ran up to the one and only Jailer Swift.

"Jailer Swift I'm your biggest fan I've even been working on your signature move." I said to her while still in complete awe.

"Well why don't you show me what you got." She said back to me.

Oh my god Jailer Swift wants me to show her my moves and of course I did.  Then she gave me one little correction which I applied to the move when I did it again. This then earned me applause from both teams. This night is so amazing especially right now. I'm so happy I got dragged into all of this.

  Lola's POV:

After getting the your a smart girl blah blah blah lecture, I was finally let go because the only things on my record are parking tickets. When I got out there everyone got up and hugged me except for AJ who was taking pictures of her and some roller skaters. But then they started fighting causing us to make a run for it out of the police station. Then we continued running down the streets of the city.

a/n ~ well I hope you all liked the results of the cliffhanger. Thank you guys so much for reading voting and commenting.

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