Chapter 12

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a/n ~ hey guys sorry it's been so long since I've updated. I was in the hospital and was not able to post. And I've been lacking in some of the Kate and Trey action so I promise it's coming. And once I finish the movie scenes, there will definitely be a ton of Kate and Trey.

Kate's POV:

Once we were out of the night club, everyone was congratulating Jenny like what she did was some big deal.

"She didn't end world hunger people." Emily said kind of annoyed.

I didn't really blame her though I mean Jenny was extremely harsh on her back in the police station.

  Mrs. Cooper's POV:

"We got any kids locked up in the back?" One of the cops we asked about our kids asked his buddy.

"Or babysitters?" He continued.

"Not yet, we don't normally lock up the kids until after midnight." The other cop said making the other one laugh.

"I'm so sorry." The chunky one sarcastically said while still laughing.

"This is mama's one night out, thanks fellas." I said sarcastically rolling my eyes as me and my husband stormed out of the police station.

  Kate's POV:

We were all walking down the street but Emily was walking behind us looking really upset. I had tried talking to her but she just ignored me. But I totally understand because I would probably do the same thing if Jenny had said the things she said to her to me. But then us kids kept walking but Jenny and Lola slowed down a bit to talk. But I over heard some of it.

"Hey I think you should go talk to Emily, she seems a little down." I heard Lola say to Jenny while both looking back at Emily.

Then Jenny walked back and started talking to Emily while Lola ran up and joined the rest of us.

"Hey tonight's been fun don't you think?" Trey asked me catching me a little off guard.

"I uh yeah it has. But it's also been very crazy." I said laughing a bit.

"Yeah it has. But I have a question I wanted to ask you." He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Um yeah shoot." I said trying to play it cool but desperately failing as always.

"Well I've had a huge crush on you for like ever." He started making me blush.

"And with all this crazy stuff going on I figured why not face my fears." He continued making me really antsy.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked but I was too shocked to say anything.

"Oh well I guess if you don't want to....." He started before I interrupted him.

"No no no of course I'll be your girlfriend it's just I'm really shocked because I've had a huge crush on you forever and when we kissed earlier and we didn't talk much after I thought you hated it and me and......." I started rambling before he interrupted me again, but this time with a kiss.

"Does that prove that I liked it?" He asked smirking at me.

But before I could answer, Jenny came running over to us saying that the plan was ruined.

  Mrs. Cooper's POV:

"Maybe she meant the North Park Station." My husband said to me not wanting to give up.

"No no no absolutely not. Barry I am tired, I'm cold, my feet are numb." I said looking down at my feet.

Then I realized I was wearing two different shoes.

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