Heartbreak with red velvet

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*Third person view throughout the entire story*


There might be a slight trigger warning if I don't blow it lol, hope you enjoy :D

So Sam and Gabriel are going through a little of a rough patch in their relationship. Gabriel was caught and accused of flirting with Balthazar. But Gabriel claimed wrong accusations but Sam doesn't believe him. They are still together but Gabriel senses that he still doesn't forgive him even though he claims he has.

Couple days earlier before the incident with Balthazar, they've been dating for three years. Sam and Dean went to a Jewelry shop, just browzing at their options incase they propose in the next few months/years, they both found something their significant other would like. Sam picked a thick gold engagement band for Gabriel. Dean picked a silver and black medium width engagement band for Cas. They bought them before the rings were bought from someone else, they kept the rings well hidden from their lovers. Meanwhile they were out Cas and Gabriel were doing something else.

Cas and Gabriel were making a semi-romantic dinner for them, which means they were actually cooking. Cas was grilling steaks for the four, and Gabriel was busy chopping and sauteed some vegetables. After Gabriel was done with that, he began baking a red velvet cake for this evening it was a two layer cake topped of with homemade buttercream frosting, once when Gabriel pulled that out of the oven to cool before frosting he asked Cas if the steaks were done, which they were Cas wrapped them with aluminum foil and put them in the oven that was cooling down to stay warm. Meanwhile he is putting aluminum foil wrapped potatoes on the grill to cook also.

Once Gabriel finished frosting and decorating the cake he put it in the fridge to sit and chill.

Meanwhile Dean and Sam was instructed to stay out of the bunker until 7 pm which it is quarter to six, they went to the nearest Gas n' Sip to put gas in the impala and got some beer for the road back to the bunker. Before they went back to the bunker they stopped at a liquor store and got some red and white wine as also instructed.

Back at the bunker Gabriel and Cas are finally finished it's around 6:30 and began setting up the table they previously bought a red tablecloth, a kitchen table centerpiece and they set the plate up with everything on it, the steak, the sauteed vegetables and the baked potatoes on each and every plate, then set up the utensils next to the plates and grabbed four wine glasses.

Dean and Sam pulled up into the bunker's garage, they came inside to find Cas and Gabriel leading them to the kitchen they both smelt the food, they both followed them into the kitchen and were sat down at the table, Gabriel took the wines they got and asked what wine they wanted. Dean had red wine, Sam had white wine, Cas had the red wine as well, and Gabriel had the white wine. They already planned this out saying how if Sam and Dean took the two opposite wine Cas and Gabriel had to take their wine of choice which if they didn't plan that they still would've went with their wine choice.

They finished their lovely dinner and Gabriel pulled out the red velvet cake. Sam and Dean were both shocked that Gabriel actually baked without eating half of the decorations and the cake itself.

All four of them ate the cake that was surprisingly pretty good.

Sam walked into his room after they were all done same with Dean, meanwhile Cas and Gabriel were cleaning, after declining both of the other boys, of their help.

After they got done cleaning up they followed their lovers to their bedrooms, to simply watch television and cuddle.

Present time. They still have the red velvet cake from two nights ago. Sam was cutting the rest into four pieces for dessert that night. Sam gave Dean the biggest of the four, then gave Cas the second biggest then gave Gabriel the third biggest and Sam ate the smallest Gabe was insisting he take some of his but Sam declined and finished his piece.

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