Angel of the Lord VS. Demon Dean

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This might be a long one also, I hope you enjoy it. :D

/Cas Point of View/

So I'm Castiel I want to tell you how I fell in love with a demon. No I'm not talking about Meg, I'm talking about Dean. Yes, Dean Winchester, see now if you want to understand you'll need to know what happened to make him a demon and why I love him. Dean was cursed with the Mark of Cain, because of many reasons, the ability to kill Abbadon, to be powerful. But Metatron killed him, he was dead it was impossible because of the Mark but I was wrong he was dead. Crowley, the King of Hell, the ultimate crossroads demon had the first blade that Dean needed. Crowley somehow escaped Sam's trap and got to Dean, he had placed the first blade in Dean's hand that had the Mark on it. That night he turned into a demon the Mark kept.

He was gone by the next morning I was sad but not compared to Sam, he was a wreck his brother dead, now is gone like how does that happen. Crowley kept Dean for his own personal deeds and discrimination it was bad. Dean was killing helpless and innocent people.

Then this one day he went after Sam. His own brother he went after, no doubt Crowley's fault luckily I was there. Dean went after Sam with hammer. Sam had ahold of his one arm with the hammer, and I came up behind him I wrapped him as if I was giving him a hug, his eyes were coal black, mine were glowing blue. His eyes according to Sam were going from his green eyes, back to this coal black eyes. Until something that shouldn't have happened again. Black smoke came from his mouth, but was he normal again?

Smoke came from his mouth but was the Mark of Cain gone? It was faint, until couple hours later, it was completely gone but was he normal. We, Sam and I, tied him up in their dungeon.

Sam did the usual check up. Threw holy water on him, Dean didn't like that by that I mean he didn't like getting wet. So he was normal.

/Sam POV/

Sure I wanted Dean back but it was too sudden and too easy. I threw Holy water on him, threw salt on him, cut him with ruby's knife, exorcised him. But nothing worked he was normal, or was he.

I untied Dean I told him to step out of the Devil's Trap, and he did he stepped out with ease.

The First Blade was well gone long ago. Cas had put it up in heaven's weapon vault. Perfectly protected no one could get it.

So Dean and I were getting back into routine with each other. We went on our cases, our occasional relaxing days, or weeks it was perfect, besides me spraining my elbow. Long story moving on.

Dean seemed fine, Cas was with us more often than usually but we got used to him with us on cases. He prefered to be recognized as hunter in training.

/Dean POV/

So I want to tell you my side of the story. I want to tell you how a demon I used to be fell in love with and Angel of the Lord. Let's start from the beginning so, I talked to Cain about the First Blade, he told me only to reach full power I must have the Mark. Sammy didn't like it but we needed someone powerful, Cas he barely had grace to help because of Metatron. So I told Cain I could handle it.

We were fighting, well I was fighting Metatron. He killed me I barely held on when Cas and Sam came, I died in front of my little brother. They took me back to the bunker, I only knew this because, when I finally turned into the demon. Crowley put the First Blade into my hand, with the Mark.

Once I completely turned Crowley, took advantage of me. He made me kill so many innocent people.

Then he try to make me kill Sammy. I chased Sam around the bunker with a hammer. A hammer I tried to kill my brother with a hammer.

He caught my swing, luckily. But I was still strong enough until. Until Cas came, he wrapped his arms around me. Like he was giving me a hug. Then my eyes were turning from coal black back to green they were going back and forth. Then they stayed green, black smoke came from my mouth and the Mark was very faint.

They tied me up in our bunker's dungeon. Sam did the normal check up. Holy water, which I hated cause it got me wet, Salt, he tried to exorcise me which he was more surprised when I finished it for him, he cut me with Ruby's knife, then a pure silver knife also. Then well I'm not completely sure if he was thinking it but if I know him he probably was thinking it was to easy. He finally gave up, he untied me, and told me to step out of the Devil's Trap. Being the older brother I am, I was thinking if I should fool around and pretend I couldn't get out but damn did I need a big fat bacon cheeseburger so I just stepped out with ease.

I hugged Sam, then Cas.

I went into the kitchen got myself everything for a bacon cheeseburger, and grabbed a beer.

I realized after months of getting used to our old routine that Cas was with us more. Don't get me wrong I love the guy but man does he ask a lot of questions still.

"Cas, buddy shut the hell up." I told him one day.

"But, Dean heaven is up, hell is down." Cas said with an adorable confused face.

Boy did I want to kiss that confusion away. But Sam's in the room with us so I didn't.

/Cas POV/

I want Dean, to like me but he probably don't like me.

/Sam POV/

Can they just stop eye fucking already. Christ have some dignity.

Maybe when they're eye fucking again I'll just give Dean a little push. Yeah I'll do that.

Few hours later

They were talking then went completely silent. I walked into the room and they were just staring at each, nope they were eye fucking again. Okay my time to shine, I walked behind Dean and "accidently" bumped him, hard enough to almost fall on Cas. Perfect.

/Dean POV/

Sam pushed me, almost falling on top of Cas. But we were so close to each other. Then something unexpected happened. Cas closed the space between us and kissed me first. I was completely shocked, until he pulled back I realized that I wasn't kissing back. When he pulled back I quickly kissed him.

/Cas POV/

Sam pushed Dean almost on top of me. Then we stayed like that until, I closed the space between us and kissed him, he wasn't kissing back so I pulled away. But Dean began to kiss me when I looked at him. I was completely shocked. My cheeks were beginning to heat up and then I found myself kissing back

/Sam POV/

Damn. Did not expect that Cas was going to make the first move. Well at least they finally did something besides eye fucking, well that was probably replaced with actually fucking. I shuddered at the thought.

/No one POV/

Then Dean and Cas began going out. And they lived happily ever after. That's a lie, Cas died, but god brought him back thankfully for Dean.

Sam was Sam with his books. A little jealous because he doesn't have an angel. But he dealt with the loneliness for now at least.


How was that guys? I did my best with the different POVs so it was something different. My next one is a Sabriel, got the idea from a song that I was listening to with my sister. This Destiel one could've been longer but I was running out of ideas, for it. After the next Sabriel I'm going to start a new book that is actual chapter it's the High School AU like I was talking about before. I'll still upload one this one because I like making little random stories. Hoped you enjoyed this story my Beautiful Orphans. :D <3  

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